a freeware software to limit my kids time on the PC

  • Jim

    I am looking for a freeware software that will set a schedule and a time limit for the amount of time my kids are able to use the PC.

    anyone has any recommendations ?

  • Answers
  • Iszi

    Windows Vista and 7 have built-in Parental Control features, that include the ability to set per-user schedules for computer access.

  • digiparent

    I also created my own software to accomplish the time limit function you requested that the built in parental control doesn't do. You can mix the built in parental control tool with my software. My software can be found at http://digiparent.weebly.com/ Hope you like it!

  • Related Question

    osx - How can I limit my time online?
  • LRZ

    I have a PowerPC G5 with OS 10.5.8. I'd like to be able to automatically disable my internet connection after a set amount of time of usage (1.5 hours, 2 hours, whatever), but keep all programs usable, so the parental controls that limit computer usage are no good. I downloaded Freedom, but since it requires me to manually tell it when to disable the internet and for how long, it doesn't really work for my purposes. However, if I could have it automatically run 1-2 hours after opening Safari/Firefox, that would work too.

    Alternatively, is there any other software out there that could do this kind of thing? I am looking into Intego ContentBarrier and Time Sheriff. Has anyone used these?

  • Related Answers
  • mrucci

    Take a look at LeechBlock firefox extension.

    You can block sites within fixed time periods (e.g., between 9am and 5pm), after a time limit (e.g., 10 minutes in every hour), or with a combination of time periods and time limit (e.g., 10 minutes in every hour between 9am and 5pm). You can also set a password for access to the extension options, just to slow you down in moments of weakness!

    The sites to block can be specified using wildcards (e.g., *.somesite.com) and exceptions (e.g., +allowme.somesite.com).

  • Velociraptors

    Meetimer might fit your needs. Lifehacker suggested it a few years ago.

  • Jason

    Switch of your modem, and turn it back on when you have fully completed all your work. ;)