windows 7 - A mysterious folder on my computer

  • iammrmehul

    This question already has an answer here:

  • Answers
  • Biapy

    Here are the origin of the problem:

    Virus Profile: Generic Dropper!22BCE7D44BAF

    You may want to install some free antivirus like Avira or Microsoft Security Essentials.

    You can (and should) use MalwareBytes Anti-Malware to try to remove this threat.

    If you already have an anti-virus (eg AVG), make sure the automatic updates of definititions files are enabled and working. Without these updates, your antivirus is useless.

  • Related Question

    windows 7 - Why am I unable to delete an album in the 'My Music' folder?
  • user15557

    I'm new to this and got Windows 7 the other day.

    What I am wanting to do is simply delete an album from the 'My Music' folder but I can't seem to be able to do this - if I right click, there is no delete option.

  • Related Answers
  • Ivo Flipse

    I will start answering in the comment section. I found the answer: It wasn't to do with permissions, it was the way I accessed the 'my music' folder - from the start menu, I could only 'view' the music folder but if I go through my documents and user to 'my music' I can then have full control so I just changed the path to point to that version from the start menu