After how long does google delete a page from the results?

  • Ulysse

    Let's say that the word "qwerty" appears in the page On Monday, the qwerty word was deleted from the page. After how many days, a person typing "qwerty" (with double quotes) in google search engine won't see the page ?

  • Answers
  • Moses

    The answer is "nobody knows" because it's determined by Google's crawler algorithm:

    Google's spiders regularly crawl the web to rebuild our index. Crawls are based on many factors such as PageRank, links to a page, and crawling constraints such as the number of parameters in a URL. Any number of factors can affect the crawl frequency of individual sites.

    Our crawl process is algorithmic; computer programs determine which sites to crawl, how often, and how many pages to fetch from each site. We don't accept payment to crawl a site more frequently. For tips on maintaining a crawler-friendly website, please visit our Webmaster Guidelines.


    If your next question is "what's the algorithm?", nobody knows except Google. They don't release that information because spammers and other naughty people could use it to their advantage.

  • Related Question

    firefox - Blocking experts-exchange from my Google results and/or computer
  • acidzombie24

    Possible Duplicate:
    Is it possible with Google searches to ban any and all results from a domain?

    The site experts-exchange is very annoying. How can I block it from my Google results? Alternatively, how can I block it in Firefox, so that if I click on a link to it, I instantly see that it's blocked? That way, I won't be annoyed by it after I see the page load and scroll down to see answers being blocked off >_>

  • Related Answers
  • Chris_K

    Tip of the day: Scroll all the way to the bottom of their pages to see the unhidden answers...

  • John T

    You can use this Greasemonkey script to block it from Google search results. Greasemonkey is an add-on for Firefox which you can grab here.

  • itsadok

    The CustomizeGoogle Firefox extension allows, among other things, to filter websites from the search results. It's one of the things I miss the most about FF.

  • Josh K

    When typing in your search specify "-experts-exchange".

  • Yar

    If you clicked on the Google Cached answer for EE, it MUST contain the actual answers (but at the bottom of the page).

  • Arjan

    or maybe block from firefox so if i click it i instantly see that its blocked

    1. Open c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts in Notepad
    2. Add the following line:

    When a user browses to in any browser, they will be referred to the localhost's ip address and should get a blank page.