firefox - Allowing self signed certs without warning screens

  • Frank Thornton

    I have an application Remote Desktop Manager. It can not access/sign in auto on https connections with a self-signed cert. I have determined that the warning page is the problem.

    Is there a way to skip that annoying warning in general and just connect?

    EDIT: All the application does is auto logging to websites. In this case, CPanel/WHM. However, they generally always use self-signed certs which apparently hangs the browser doing the auto login.

    I've tried using Ie, Chrome, and FireFox.

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    firefox - Which browsers allow me to switch languages without reinstalling?
  • Edward Tanguay

    I would like to use the fact the browsers can be installed in various languages as a way to practice my French. So if I am in Firefox and see the word "options" in the menu and want to know how it is translated in the French version, I would like to click a button to switch the browser language to French quickly and then use the French version until I don't understand one of the French words, then switch back to English, etc.

    Are there any browsers which allow me to switch languages dynamically in this way without reinstalling?


    The quick-locale-switcher that freethinker suggested seems to switch the language of the add-on but not the language of the browser, or am I missing something?

    enter image description here

  • Related Answers
  • Emmanuel Durand

    I haven't tried myself, but I guess downloading and running a French Firefox from PortableApps would work:

  • freethinker

    You can use the following firefox addon to change your locale in firefox without restarting.