virtualbox - Alocating Higher CPU and RAM to Virtual box

  • Santosa Sandy

    I am using Virtual Box.

    I have a real computer that has 4 cores and 4Gb RAM.

    Within it, I am trying to create a virtual computer with a specification, which is as similar as possible with the real computer.

    So far I can only create a virtual machine that has 2 cores and 2Gb RAM.

    The same case happen when I try to create a VM in 12 cores and 32 Gb RAM. In this case, the VM can only has 6 cores and 16 Gb RAM.

    Are there some tricks to achieve my goals?


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    ubuntu - How can virtual machines consume so little RAM on the physical host machine?
  • dggoldst

    I'm running VirtualBox on a Windows XP machine with 2GB RAM. I've created a virtual Ubuntu machine and allocated it a base memory of 750MB.

    Just to put it to a test, I ran 20 things at once on the virtual machine. According to "top" in ubuntu, 750 megs of memory were being used, as well as considerable swap space.

    However, back in Windows Task Manager, VitrualBox was using only 45,000K of memory. As I asked the virtual machine to do more and more, the CPU usage of the VirtualBox process went up (in Windows) but memory usage stayed the same.

    How can a virtual machine that is using 750 MB of memory only consume 45 MB of memory on a physical machine?

    I assume the answer is that the virtual machine is not using real memory, but simulated memory (i.e. swap space), but it sure feels snappy like it is running in RAM.

    UPDATE: I've played around with perfmon as suggested. Even summing up everything I can think of, it still seems to take up less than 300 megs ... so it is still a mystery.

    Process               VirtualBox     VirtualBox#1     Total
    PoolNonpagedBytes     5,840          42,552           48,392
    PoolPagedBytes        119,796        166,892          286,688
    PrivateBytes          8,884,224      52,719,616       61,603,840
    VirtualBytes          75,939,840     161,202,176      237,142,016
    Sum                   84,949,700     214,131,236      299,080,936

  • Related Answers
  • Rowland Shaw

    The columns in Task Manager can give misleading figures -- for accurate memory usage per process, you could use perfmon (Performance Monitor in Control Panel) and look at the "private bytes" figures.

    To show this, go into perfmon, click to add the counter (I'm a Ctrl+I kind of person). The "Performance object" would be "Process", with "Private bytes" being in the counters list -- obviously you'd need to select the relevant process from the right hand list.

  • David Spillett

    With some virtualisation solutions under Linux, the way they allocate memory makes it appear to the host kernel as a special memory-mapped file (much like the /proc/kcore special file) so it is counted in the "cached" count in the output from free, not the "used" count.

    I presume something similar is happening with your Windows environment: the 45Mb will be used by the management processes of VirtualBox, and the 750 allocated to the VM itself will be counted elsewhere.

  • zildjohn01

    It could be virtual memory, memory-mapped files, or something similar.

    Have you tried displaying other columns in Task Manager?

  • sgmoore

    Don't believe Task manager. It can't see everything.

    This issue is more commmonly seen with SQL Server, for example With Sql, I have never found anyone who told me a way of getting accurate info from Task Manager which would lead me to believe that the figure isn't hidden away in one of the other columns.