Arch Linux "poweroff" always waits 90 seconds in VMware Player

  • bfrgzju

    I am running Arch Linux (installed from archlinux-2014.01.05-dual.iso) on VMware Player and have installed vmtoolsd (which belongs to open-vm-tools).

    Now my problem is that, whenever I do poweroff or reboot, the system just leaves me with a black screen with only a cursor flashing at the top-left corner. If I don't do anything to it, the system will shutdown or reboot in one or two minutes.

    I've searched Google for this problem. Some people suggest that I modify /usr/lib/systemd/system/vmtoolsd.service and that I add one line for KillSignal=SIGKILL or TimeoutStopSec=2. However, none of these works. Actually when I do systemctl stop vmtoolsd, it seems to stop quickly.

    I guess maybe some other service is in the similar state as is discussed in those posts I see. Is there a workaround on this so that I can shutdown my virtual machine immediately and gracefully, or that I can figure out what is going on during poweroff is executing so that I can tell if any service is blocked?

    Update March 4, 2014: I reinstalled Arch Linux and the problem is still there! Is that an issue of VMware? I use VMware Player 6 for Linux? How to display the details when the system is shutting down so that I may know where it gets stuck?

    Update March 4, 2014: I used Arch Linux Live CD and similar problem happens with error message: A stop job is running for User Manager for 0. Then I thought this might be a bug which is reported here: which is a bug of systemd and was fixed in update 209 or 210. I then did an update using pacman -Syu and the delay was gone. However, I think I have updated my Arch Linux last time when I have open-vm-tools installed (before I reinstall the entire system). Now I plan to install open-vm-tools again and see if the same error occurs.

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  • Related Answers
  • hbdgaf

    I think you're looking for VM-Ware tools tar installer. Directions for installation are here:

    Basically, vmware tools gets you more resolutions supported. It is possible to install it without X, but I haven't tested it on arch. I had mixed results on debian derivatives.

    a problem i had that you might be having is that vmware tools don't get loaded until after the screensize is determined. you could always just ssh in with putty...this solves both problems

  • Daniel B

    As far as I'm aware, there's no way to change a KMS framebuffer's resolution after booting.

    Also, copy/paste won't work. There's really no such thing without a clipboard, now is there. ;)

    If you want all the shiny VM integration features, you'll have to install Xorg.