osx - Automated conversion between 3D model formats

  • Szabolcs

    How can I convert any of these 3D modelling formats to Collada (.dae) format? I need to do this in an automated way, i.e. set up a system that does conversion in the background without user interaction.

    I use OS X.

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    Related Question

    conversion - Is there any free/open source software that converts photos to 3d models?
  • patrickinmpls

    Is there any free/open source software that converts photos to 3d models - like to convert pictures of a building to a 3d model of a building automatically?

  • Related Answers
  • 8088

    I think insight3d does exactly what you are asking for. From their site:

    insight3d lets you create 3D models from photographs. You give it a series of photos of a real scene (e.g., of a building), it automatically matches them and then calculates positions in space from which each photo has been taken (plus camera’s optical parameters) along with a 3D pointcloud of the scene. You can then use insight3d’s modeling tools to create textured polygonal model.

    It's free and open source, here's a screenshot:

    alt text

  • dangowans

    There's some new free software, but not open source, most of these software make it's job online:

    photo-to-3d - upload only 2 pictures (5-15° between both) and get a "front view" basic 3D model, (not a full 360° one), it's textured with the pictures. Really easy to use (no tutorial used to make a test model with my reference pictures), automatic process, but sometimes not the expected results, the easyest of all. 3DS, WRL, X3D, COLLADA, AN8, OBJ files support

    Autodesk 123D Catch - 3 versions: online only, install in PC or install in iPhone/iPad (all 3 versions make the model in Autodesk servers, so internet conection is needed), not strictly free, but it's beta version, so no licence must to be purchased. Needs at minimum 20 pictures to make a decent 3D model, balanced interfase and commands between ocasional user and pro (made a model without any tutorial), nice results and user friendly, supports 3DP, OBJ, 3DS files

    insight3d - free and open source, uses your PC resources, till now I couldn't get a single model from my reference pictures (even following the tutorial), not "automatic" conversion at all as other software. supported VRLM, RZLM, RZI, pointcloud TXT files

    Make3D - there's the code, but couldn't find finished software... only VRLM files

    my3dscanner - another "free" online option, or can buy the "standalone" licence (waiting for user validation to try the free version), pointcloud files

    Hypr3D - another 3D online photo to 3D model software, but it can use video files too! easy to create a 3D, (now uploading my reference pics to make a 3D model) your models are stored in they website up to 1 Gb, the downside is that your model is "public" (they working on "private" models, probably on a fee), pointcloud files

    There's some other photo to 3D model software that maybe you want to try:

    strata_foto_3d_se - a Strata "cheap" pay version for the iPhone. Supports Collada, 3DS and VRLM files

    scannerkiller claims to have a online free version, but when you register, it says "CREATE AN ACCOUNT TO DOWNLOAD THE FREE 15 DAY TRIAL!", so I haven't registered, don't want another expired trial on my PC...

    P.D. sorry for don't post all the hyperlinks, but as new user can't post more than 2...

  • teabot

    You can use Google Sketch-Up free edition to create 3D models based on imported images using the photo-match feature. It's free but not open-source. It doesn't convert as such as it requires you to create the model ultimately. It does however make the creation process easier.

  • Nate Koppenhaver

    Make3d is an interesting program which makes 3d models from single pictures (only with visible data). It's very interesting and source code is provided (matlab sources).

  • patrickinmpls

    I used Insight3d, which was kind of hit or miss even with the example dataset, but then I found this website, http://www.my3dscanner.com, and it makes outstanding models.

    I made this model out of only 4 images (the example data set from Insight3d), they obviously recommend more than 4 input images, but I was lazy, they provide pointcloud and mesh.

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

  • William Hilsum

    Not sure if it is exactly what you are looking for - It will not convert in to 3d editable models that you can import to other programs, but if you just want to look at a detailed 3d model from pictures that you take, take a look at Microsoft Photosynth

  • NickSentowski

    While Blender and Google Sketch-Up are great, free 3d modeling applications, they won't make a 3d model out of a series of photographs as you seem to expect. You will need to place 2 images into the program and create the 3D model yourself with those pictures as a guideline. Photosynth isn't quite what I'd call a 3D model either.

    I can't think of any application that will turn a photo 3D automatically, let alone a free one. If you are willing to do some work yourself, start with Sketch-Up and graduate to Blender.



  • 8088

    Blender is a free open source 3D content creation suite, available for all major operating systems

    alt text

  • TenaciousD

    You can also try VideoTrace its still in Beta but it should work. Whats interesting is that it can as its name implies be used for creating 3D models from video footage. You can also suplly a number of individual images if you want. Its free but I'm not sure if its open source. Note: It requires a mandatory registration and the download link will be sent to your email address. In the videos shown on the website the program was amazing, creating a 3D object was relatively easy. But since I haven't tried it yet I can't be sure about that. You may also need a relatively fast computer with a good amount of RAM and relatively good 3D graphics card if you intend to do some serious work.

    Main site: http://punchcard.com.au/?page_id=14

    Youtube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=vda2RAEuW_g

  • Mike

    http://www.tridef.com/download/TriDef-Photo-Transformer-Bundle-latest.html the link is to the Tridef website. its not open source but it should oet you do what it is I think you're asking.