osx - Batch APPEND (RENAME) a specific keyword to set of files

  • aksani56

    I have few files namely - "a", "b", "c",etc.. I want to add the keyword: ".mov" to all files in that folder.

    Please suggest me an approach which script will be best suited for this - AppleScript, Shell, Python etc. (I being a non-scripting guy).

    Note: I m using MacOSX-Maverics[Terminal].

  • Answers
  • Robbie Mckennie

    Something like this ought to work:

    for i in *; do
      mv "$i" "$i.mov"

    Put that in the directory above the directory with your files. Use chmod +x script.sh, then from within the directory with your files, ../script.sh.

    EDIT: This assumes your 'set' of files is every file in that directory. If it isn't, you'll need to more clearly define your set.

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  • ajo

    I would like to batch rename files (*.txt) by inserting a number of the format 'RXR1234567' (RXR+7digits) [if such number (and ideally only one) is found in the text] at the front of the filename, e.g. instead of


    the file should be called


    Could this be done from the command line (grep, rename)? The files are in various subdirectories.

    Your thoughts will be appreciated (as always).

  • Related Answers
  • cYrus

    Try this in the root directory:

    find -name '*.txt' -exec sh -c 'PREFIX=`grep -m 1 -oe "RXR[0-9]\{7\}" "$0"` && mv "$0" "${0%/*}/${PREFIX}_${0##*/}"' {} \;

    Note: If a file contains multiple matches of the pattern the first one will be used.