windows - Batch file to copy files from desktop location to another location?

  • Anshuman Chandel

    I want to Copy/Move files in Windows XP from Desktop(a Folder) to My Document(another Folder), which was created by same Batch File on Current Date in Format DD/MM/YYYY.

    This is working fine when .BAT File is in Desktop Folder.

    @echo off
    set date="%date:~7,2%-%date:~4,2%-%date:~10,4%"
    mkdir %date%
    copy *.txt \%date%

    Now what this .BAT is doing is, creating Folder 18-01-2013 on Desktop and coping all .TXT files in this Folder.

    But this is not working,

    @echo off
    set date="%date:~7,2%-%date:~4,2%-%date:~10,4%"
    mkdir %USERPROFILE%\My Documents\%date%
    copy %USERPROFILE%\desktop\*.txt %USERPROFILE%\My Documents\%date%

    This .BAT File is creating these folders;

    1. In C Drive>Documents
    2. On Desktop (and, Chandel>My, Documents>18-01-2013, Settings>Anshuman)

    Any help in this regard is highly appreciated!

    Thanks in advance!

    Anshuman Chandel

  • Answers
  • charleswj81

    You need to place double-quotes (") around your paths that contain, or may contain, spaces or other special characters. To be safe, I always quote all paths in scripts, just in case. Also, you want to remove the quotes from around the variable values that will later be components in other paths. So, remove the quotes from the set date line and add them to the next two lines.

    So your script should be:

    @echo off
    set date=%date:~7,2%-%date:~4,2%-%date:~10,4%
    mkdir "%USERPROFILE%\My Documents\%date%"
    copy "%USERPROFILE%\desktop\*.txt" "%USERPROFILE%\My Documents\%date%"

  • Related Question

    windows 7 - Batch file to write ping results to a text file
  • SC.

    I know this is a variation of an already asked question but after research and several failed attempts I think I need some help.

    I would like to ping two websites repeatedly and record the time and results in a text file.

    I found this question Save Ping Output in a text file to be very helpful but the several versions I have tried do not work.

    If I execute the following in a command window, it creates the text file in my users directory as I would expect with the repeated pings recorded correctly.

    ping -t > filename.txt

    But if I create the following ping.dat file and save it on my desktop. When I run it, it both opens a cmd window with the just time in it and also creates the desired textfile on my desktop. Unfortunately the file only contains the time and not the ping results and the results are obviously not 3seconds apart like expected.

    time /T
    ping -n 4 >> filename.txt
    ping yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy -n 4 >> filename.txt
    sleep -m 3000

    I assumed that my problem was related to how I was trying to write the results but if I modify the batch file, deleting the '>> filename.txt' reference all it does is open a cmd window which instantly fills up with time stamps.

    time /T
    ping -n 4
    ping yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy -n 4
    sleep -m 3000

    Hence my questions are

    A) Any idea what I am doing wrong?

    B) How do I change the time stamp so that it is HH:MM:SS rather than HH:MM

    All help appreciated.


    @LInker3000 Thanks for the reply. I should have mentioned this in my original question, but I have already tried that. When I added '>> filename.txt' to the timestamp, I now get a command window that fills up with "The process cannot acces the file because it is being used by another process.". Upon terminating the process, the created txt file only has one timestamp and the "Terminate Batch Job (Y/N)" text.

  • Related Answers
  • Linker3000

    If you want the timestamp in the file too, you'd need to put:

    time /T >> filename.txt

    In the first example you quoted:

    time /T >> filename.txt
    ping -n 4 >> filename.txt
    ping yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy -n 4 >> filename.txt
    sleep -m 3000

    You can play around with the following code to give you a more configurable timestamp:

    set time_hh=%time:~0,2%
    if %time_hh% lss 10 (set time_hh=0%time:~1,1%)
    set time_mn=%time:~3,2%
    set time_ss=%time:~6,2%
    set time_ms=%time:~9,2%
    echo %time_hh%:%time_mn%:%time_ss%.%time_ms% >> filename.txt

    Put all of this in place of the time /t... line

  • imtheman

    To get the seconds (and milliseconds) replace time /T with echo %time% so you have:

    echo %time% >> filename.txt
    ping -n 4 >> filename.txt
    ping yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy -n 4 >> filename.txt
    sleep -m 3000