Batch resize images photoshop with max width/height but don't effect small images

  • user1386906

    I have a batch of images of different sizes. (and extensions) A lot of them are very large and i want them to resize to a specific max-width/height.

    I tried to use the batch imageprocessor in the scripts menu. That allows me to resize all the images and save them to a jpg.

    The problem is that i don't want to enlarge the small pictures. Now the script makes the width or height a specific widtd (depends which one is larger in the original file size) but also makes the width or height of the smaller images the given size. So it enlarges them.

    How can i resolve this?

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    Resize image by largest dimension in Photoshop
  • Stuart

    I've got tens of thousands of product images that I need to resize (constraining proportions) so that the largest dimension (height or width) is 500 pixels.

    The images are in all kinds of sizes, some are perfect squares while most are either tall or wide. I can easily batch resize based on either height or width. The problem here is that if I resize a tall image based on width, it becomes very small etc.

    Any ideas on the most practical way to standardize these images so that the largest dimension is 500 pixels?

  • Related Answers
  • hyperslug

    In Photoshop, Files -> Scripts -> Image Processor.

    Enter 500 for both Width and Height and check Resize to Fit. It will maintain the correct aspect ratio and resize the longest dimension to 500.

  • nik

    This DPChallenge forum thread has a Javascript for CS4.
    Resize Action in CS3 for portrait OR landscape

  • Corey Ward

    This is something Adobe Photoshop Lightroom is MUCH better at. Photoshop will work, as hyperslug explained, but if you plan on doing this a lot in the future you might want to give the free Lightroom trial a spin and see if it saves you some time.