firefox - Bing still showing up in Windows 8 after being uninstalled

  • erista

    I have uninstalled Bing, i have supposedly rendered it useless by all kinds of methods but Bing still comes back every time i open firefox and internet explorer. And now i have MSN coming up as well. My home page is virtually useless because it diverts to Bing. I have an HP Envy running Windows 8. It's brand new and it's driving me crazy. I have a desktop running Windows 7 and i have none of these problems. can anyone tell me a way to delete both Bing and MSN permanently from my laptop so STAYS as my home page?

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    firefox - is there a way to split a single browser's window/tab into 2 viewing areas?
  • user2897

    I have to frequently visit a webpage that contains a table with thousands of lines. The first row contains the names of the columns. Many of the columns are numerical values.

    Once you scroll/page down, the first line is gone, and with it the headers.

    Is there a way to horizontally split a Firefox/Explorer window, so that in the upper part you keep the first row with the columns' names, and you scroll up/down the lower window?

    I don't have control over the design of the website.


  • Related Answers
  • mutewinter

    You could try the Split Browser addon.

  • pelms

    If you have any experience with Javascript you could write a GreaseMonkey script for Firefox that pops the header row into a static (non-scrolling) area (div) on the screen.

    You would need to get enough identifying information about the header row to be able to select it using Javascript - you could use the Firebug extension to do this.

  • Chris Thompson

    I'm not familiar with the windowing options of Firefox and IE, but I know how you could do this in Opera. I assume that similar capabilities are available in Firefox.

    You could open the document in two separate tabs and then go to Window -> Arrange -> Tile Horizontally

    Then, use the bottom window to scroll independently of the other.