windows 8 - Bluetooth file transfer fails only in one direction but not vice versa

  • draconis

    I can't send files from my computer (Windows 8) to my phone but I can send files from phone to the computer. I tried with my other computer (Windows 7) and I can successfully send/receive files (that means problem is not about the phone).

    Here is the error message: "A socket operation failed because the destination host was down."

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    Windows XP, Bluetooth, & accepting files
  • Jan Kuboschek

    I've got a cell phone and hooked it up to my laptop running Windows XP. I can send files from my laptop to my phone and from my phone to my laptop just fine, but only one at a time. Questions:

    1. How can I transfer more than 1 file at a time from Windows to my cell phone? I'm using whatever bluetooth client came with XP (SP 3)
    2. How can I make XP accept files from my cell phone without having to click on "receive file" first? How can I receive more than one file at a time?

    Because going on a trip (which I'm doing frequently at the moment) and transferring 30+ pictures one by one is a huge pain in the rear end.

  • Related Answers
  • Jan Kuboschek

    I got a laptop through work now that runs Windows 7. It works under Windows 7 just fine with the same bluetooth adapter. Problem solved.