display - Can admin monitor the chat in P2P?

  • user274021

    I installed LAN messenger in my office machine from here. Can my network admin monitor the private chat or file transfer activities between me and my colleague? If the admin can in fact monitor the activity, then can anyone suggest any other messenger that is more secure?

  • Answers
  • Ashtray

    The Features page on the website you provided says:

    Secure messaging for privacy.

    All messages are protected by AES encryption with RSA as the key exchange mechanism.

    So you should be fine

  • BlueBerry - vignesh4303

    The Short Answer would be yes, Some remote monitoring tools will able to track down remote users monitor screen where it prevents the unwanted usage of office system turning to personal system.

    For e.g tools like activity monitor

    Activity Monitor server can be installed on any computer in the entire LAN. Remote spy software (Agent) is a small client program that is installed on all computers on the network you want to monitor. It can be installed even remotely from the PC with Activity Monitor on it or via Active Directory Group Policy in a Windows domain. Any computer in the network under control can be spied remotely. You may tune this employee monitoring software so that it will record activity on all networked computers. This information can be later used for the deeper analysis and advanced report generation.

    In market there were many remote spy tools are available which makes the access to admin for looking/spying the monitor of client machine .

  • Related Question

    Skype file download in chat: "The file isn't available yet"
  • Thilo

    When receiving files via Skype chat, it sometimes says (for quite some time) "the file isn't available yet" (while the icon and filename are already shown).

    What does this mean?

    The download does not appear to start before clicking on the file (after it has become available), without any pre-fetching to a local buffer. I was assuming that sending files is peer-to-peer, so that the download comes directly from the sender, without the need to make it "available" for download somewhere else first.

  • Related Answers
  • Axxmasterr

    One of the methods Skype uses to be resilient is packet relay between peers on the Skype network. In some cases Skype will relay through other users to get messages or data to you. This is so people behind firewalls or on network segments that do not have connectivity to one another can still receive messages. So while Skype is peer to peer, in some cases you may not be connecting directly to the peer you are actually talking or exchanging data with.

    The article "The Silver Needle in Skype" discusses this and other interesting things about Skype.