Cannot correctly display memory usage under Linux

  • Gaurav Shah

    I got VPS and have ubuntu on top of it. I have installed apache in worker role (not prefork ) also installed ruby EE 1.8.7 & mysql 5.x

    Now when I check for memory I see 18.6 % (of 924 MB ) is used by the rack ( must be rails app that I am running)

    and When I do free -m I get the following results :

                 total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
    Mem:           924        602        322          0          0          0
    -/+ buffers/cache:        602        322
    Swap:            0          0          0

    where is my memory used up ? free -m shows all the memory used is my the cache and nothing else how is that possible ? I don't have any users for the site as of now.

    AUX doesn't show anything interesting except 18.6% by rack and 2.6% by mysql .

    As soon as I shut down my apache instance the memory comes down to 150 mb.

    List of apache modules loaded:

     core_module (static)
     log_config_module (static)
     logio_module (static)
     mpm_worker_module (static)
     http_module (static)
     so_module (static)
     alias_module (shared)
     auth_basic_module (shared)
     authn_file_module (shared)
     authz_default_module (shared)
     authz_groupfile_module (shared)
     authz_host_module (shared)
     authz_user_module (shared)
     autoindex_module (shared)
     cgid_module (shared)
     deflate_module (shared)
     dir_module (shared)
     env_module (shared)
     mime_module (shared)
     negotiation_module (shared)
     reqtimeout_module (shared)
     rewrite_module (shared)
     setenvif_module (shared)
     status_module (shared)
     passenger_module (shared)

    This is the result of cat /proc/meminfo

    MemTotal:       946344 kB
    MemFree:        336624 kB
    Buffers:             0 kB
    Cached:              0 kB
    SwapCached:          0 kB
    Active:              0 kB
    Inactive:            0 kB
    HighTotal:           0 kB
    HighFree:            0 kB
    LowTotal:       946344 kB
    LowFree:        336624 kB
    SwapTotal:           0 kB
    SwapFree:            0 kB
    Dirty:               0 kB
    Writeback:           0 kB
    AnonPages:           0 kB
    Mapped:              0 kB
    Slab:                0 kB
    PageTables:          0 kB
    NFS_Unstable:        0 kB
    Bounce:              0 kB
    CommitLimit:         0 kB
    Committed_AS:        0 kB
    VmallocTotal:        0 kB
    VmallocUsed:         0 kB
    VmallocChunk:        0 kB
    HugePages_Total:     0
    HugePages_Free:      0
    HugePages_Rsvd:      0
    Hugepagesize:     2048 kB
  • Answers
  • polynomial

    There are a couple reasons for the behavior you are seeing. First:

    • ps aux's % is based on resident:

      %mem       %MEM    ratio of the process's resident set size  to the physical memory on the machine, expressed as a percentage. (alias pmem).
    • free's report includes things other than Active memory (the resident/%MEM from ps) when displaying values

    The gist of this is that when you look at free, you are seeing VSZ and other allocations being added up when displaying the total. When you look at the % in ps, you are only seeing a piece of the puzzle.

    To verify this you can look at two things, first run:

    $ ps aux
    www      18442  0.0  0.0 519156 65460 ?        Sl   Sep08   1:47 httpd

    You should see that the VSZ will be considerably larger than the RSS and if you do the calculations would probably yield a much bigger % if included.

    Secondly, you can check the real amount of memory in use by looking at /proc/meminfo directly:

    # cat /proc/meminfo 
    MemTotal:       99197880 kB
    MemFree:        72697684 kB
    Buffers:        13813488 kB
    Cached:          4841820 kB
    SwapCached:          196 kB
    Active:          4662952 kB

    You'll notice that the 'used' column from free is more than just Active(roughly RSS from ps).

    The actual explanation of why this is is actually covered in a collection of several books which are a really great read if you are trying to fall asleep, but you can get some basic understanding from a couple articles:


    ps/virtual and VSZ explained:

  • Xenoactive

    If shutting down Apache releases 450mb (approx half of your memory), then start looking at Apache. Look that the modules that it loads on startup, any related environmentals, and any memory consumed answering requests. You might might a module that is a bit memory heavy or leak in your app. Also look at number of workers at startup and the worker pool size.

  • Related Question

    How does top calculate the memory figures on Linux?
  • jarnoan

    I'm a bit confused on how the memory figures add up in top.

    If I've understood correctly, the amount of "really" used memory is total - free - buffers - cached. In the example below that would be 14370248k - 75736k - 178892k - 10459552k = 3656068k, which is 25% of the total memory (3656068/14370248).

    Again, if I've understood correctly, the numbers shown in RES and %MEM columns show the amount of physical memory a process "really" uses. The sum of the RES values of just httpd processes is 7254m, or 7428096k (7254*1024), which is 52% of the total memory (7428096/14370248). The sum of %MEM values of httpd processes is 53%, close enough.

    How come the summary part shows just 25% of memory being used, while httpd processes alone claim to use over 50% of memory? What am I missing here?

    top - 15:37:00 up 117 days, 18:27,  6 users,  load average: 4.82, 4.44, 3.60
    Tasks: 433 total,   4 running, 429 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
    Cpu(s): 59.6%us,  6.5%sy,  0.0%ni, 33.0%id,  0.1%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.8%si,  0.0%st
    Mem:  14370248k total, 14294512k used,    75736k free,   178892k buffers
    Swap:  8388600k total,      116k used,  8388484k free, 10459552k cached
    3566 mysql     21   0  554m  60m 4576 S 74.6  0.4  11422:52 mysqld
    23305 apache    15   0  327m  27m 3792 S  3.2  0.2   0:01.30 httpd
    23474 apache    15   0  327m  27m 3800 S  3.2  0.2   0:01.09 httpd

  • Related Answers
  • Peter Eisentraut

    The httpd processes probably share some memory, because they are forked from each other. Because of the copy-on-write mechanism, they all claim that memory as their own virtual memory even though it only exists once in physical memory.

    In general, the memory output on Linux contains various bogosities of this kind. I wouldn't try to make too much sense of it. It is useful to see if a process is behaving differently from how it should; but the numbers don't necessarily add up.