Cannot end Windows 7 process, even tried pskill

  • Chris

    I am having a problem where processes are hanging and absolutely refuse to die. I have tried using the task manager and pskill from the console (with admin rights) and while the program will state that it has killed the process it still remains and I cannot open a second process. This has happened with Opera and Truecrypt.

    Operating system is Windows 7 Professional (64-bit). Rebooting the computer clears the hung process.

    I also tried using a program called Ultimate Process Detail & Killer, which didn't help either.

  • Answers
  • grawity
  • Indrek

    Use the following command:

    Taskkill /IM **.exe /F
  • Simon

    Space Tornado Killer might do the trick, as I have it installed on my PC.

    Space Tornado Killer is a free Windows utility that allows you to end/kill multiple running Windows processes at once, with one click of a button. Hold down Ctrl and click to select one, two, three or any number of processes. Then simply click Kill Selected or hit F4 to end all the selected processes at once.

    This utility is designed to complement Task Manager, not replace it.

    For further details & to download

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  • Related Answers
  • Dave Webb

    If you had XP or later you could use TASKKILL. This on not NT though.

    I think you're going to have to download something to do this. I'd recommend pskill from Sysinternals.

    You can use this either with a process ID or just with a process name. For example:

    pskill notepad.exe

    Another option is KILL from the NT Resource Kit.

  • Tanguy

    To kill process with children (like apache), from Windows XP to Windows Seven :

    TASKKILL /T /F /PID 4520
  • beggs

    There are a couple of choices:

    KILL Command

    kill process name or id


    kill -f process name or id

    AT Utility

    at time /interactive cmd /c kill -f process name or id

    And of course

    Reboot :-)