networking - Can't connect to netgear N750 router used as bridge for FiOS router


    A long time ago I set up my netgear router as a bridge for my main router, using some ethernet cables and ethernet-over-power adapters. I set the netgear router's ip to so it wouldn't conflict with the main router, and the set up works fine.

    The problem is, I want to go in and edit the settings, and I can't do that.

    • I've tried going to, and all I get is a blank page. When I went to, it goes to my FiOS router, as expected.
    • I tried unplugging the bridged router from the main router and attempting to connect again (over ethernet to the bridged router) and I still get "can't reach" or a blank page.

    Does anyone know a way to get into my netgear router that won't involve resetting it and starting from scratch?

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    I just got my new ASUS Eee 1000h. First thing I wanted to is connect to the internet, so I open the wireless connections window and try to find my wireless connection...but it's not there. I have no problem finding wireless signals in the area, and in fact I can access the internet via free hot spots around the city anytime I want.

    So I assume I made a mistake while setting up my router. I guess, one thing I noticed about routers is that their admin interfaces are set to or something, but the IP address of, which is the admin interface of NETGEAR, is set to Could that be why I can't find my router's wireless signal? Someone told me there could be subnet issues, though I don't know how. Has anyone encountered any problems with their NETGEAR set up before?

    I already reset the router a couple of times and tried reconfiguring it. What alternatives do I have?

  • Related Answers
  • Seasoned Advice (cooking)

    It does not matter that the router is configured to use 10.x.x.x addresses as opposed to 192.168.x.x addresses, as both are reserved for use in private networks. The fact that you can even see the router administration page is evidence that your wireless network is functioning properly. You should look into your internet settings on your router to see if you have a valid IP address from your ISP.