windows - can't delete unknown files (big size 33 Gb), the filename ,directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect

  • Ssd

    I don't know where I got them from on my USB hard drive.

    I'm not expert, but I tried some stuff and still can't delete them.


    Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2

    Something about:

    The file name, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect

    Any help?
    In simple steps please

  • Answers
  • arielnmz

    I've dealt with something similar in the past. Here's what I did:

    1. Run a chkdsk at boot, to prevent issues with your filesystems later in the process.
    2. Download and run a Linux Live CD or USB, you can use the GParted Live Disc, it's small and it's almost all you'll need.
    3. Once booted into it, open the file manager, locate your drive and locate your directory.
    4. Select it and press Shift+Del to completely remove it.

    Alternatively, if you want to completely format your partition:

    1. Once booting into the GParted Live Disc, open the GParted app (if it isn't open automatically).
    2. Locate your drive in the dropdown list at top right corner, it should automatically be selected if it's the only drive.
    3. Locate the partition you want to format, right click it and move to the Format as menu and select the desired filesystem on the submenu, most commonly NTFS.
    4. It'd warn you about data loss, but you already know this.
    5. Wait until the process finishes and you will have a new, clean partition.
  • HopelessN00b

    You could try the rd command.

    From the command prompt (cmd.exe), try: rd /s /q H:\qqq

    The /s removes files as well as directories and the /q is for quiet mode.

  • KasiyA

    How to delete them follow this steps:

    1- eject your USB hard drive

    2- press Left-Shift and HOLD

    3- connect your USB hard drive while holding left-shift

    4- press Alt+D to switch to address bar

    5- type USB hard drive, letter (ex: H: or G:)

    6- run this as quickly: drop left-shift then press Enter and Hold left-shift again

    7- now right-click on qqq folder and select Delete option while you are holding left-shift

    8- after completely delete eject USB Hard drive and connect again.

    9- finish. oh, I have to say you can drop left-shift now.

  • Related Question

    How to delete (invalid) files with colon in their name under Windows
  • hstoerr

    I've got a rather large number of files on my Windows drive that have a colon in their name. (These came from unpacking some Unix archives.)

    When I try to delete them, Windows (XP) complains that the file does not exist, and refuses to delete it. This happens when trying to delete or rename it from explorer or the command line. Still, chkdsk does not complain about those files nor fix the problem.

    Any ideas on how to get rid of them?

  • Related Answers
  • Јοеу

    You may be able to use this syntax (per Microsoft KB 320081):

    del "\\?\c:\path_to_file\bad:name.ext"

    See also this serverfault question on the same topic, "delete file containing invalid characters in windows".

    I think the old "ntfsdos" sysinternals utilities could remove/rename these files as well, but these are no longer available post-MS acquisition.

  • slhck

    You may want to try booting from an Ubuntu Live CD and deleting it from there.

  • Dave

    Another alternate that you may want to try is to bring in CygWin, a bash shell for windows. This would allow you to apply UNIX commands to your DOS folders.

  • tpbapp

    To fix this on Windows 7:

    chkdsk C:/r