ip - Can't reach viamichelin / Easynet related websites

  • drs

    it's all my IP range who is concerned. I found someone who contacted easynet for me. I think i can't do nothing more now than waiting...


    "I discover a few day ago that i can’t access any site related to viamichelin (www.viamichelin.fr, www.viamichelin.com … etc.) or Easynet (www.easynet.com, www.easynetonline.net ...etc.)

    I’s seem that i can’t (leave tinet.net or) enter in the easynet network.

    When I use a VPN to change my personal IP address, all work fine. What can i do to solve this pb ?

    Here is my traceroute at my home (don't work) :

    Détermination de l'itinéraire vers www.viamichelin.fr [] avec un maximum de 30 sauts. 
      1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms 
      2    20 ms    19 ms    20 ms  "My IP".254 
      3    21 ms    21 ms    21 ms 
      4    22 ms    23 ms    21 ms  cbv-6k-2-v822.intf.routers.proxad.net [] 
      5    25 ms    22 ms    23 ms  bzn-crs16-2-be1002.intf.routers.proxad.net [] 
      6    60 ms    60 ms    61 ms  te0-0-0-31.363.mag21.par01.atlas.cogentco.com [] 
      7    57 ms    45 ms    61 ms  be2040.mpd21.par01.atlas.cogentco.com [] 
      8     *       42 ms    43 ms  te1-2.ccr01.par05.atlas.cogentco.com [] 
      9    38 ms    37 ms    38 ms  xe-7-3-0.par70.ip4.tinet.net [] 
     10    43 ms    44 ms     *     xe-5-0-0.par20.ip4.tinet.net [] 
     11     *        *        *     Délai d'attente de la demande dépassé. 

    Here is a normal traceroute from another person (work) :

    traceroute to www.viamichelin.fr (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets 
     1 (  0.217 ms  0.364 ms  0.377 ms 
     2  "Is IP".254 ("Is IP".254)  5.337 ms  5.348 ms  5.346 ms 
     3 (  7.032 ms * * 
     4  bordeaux-crs16-1-be1001.intf.routers.proxad.net (  8.127 ms  8.112 ms  8.096 ms 
     5  toulouse-6k-1-po51.intf.routers.proxad.net (  13.092 ms  13.089 ms  13.059 ms 
     6  * bzn-crs16-2-be1107.intf.routers.proxad.net (  18.859 ms * 
     7  te0-0-0-28.361.mag21.par01.atlas.cogentco.com (  33.012 ms te0-0-0-31.363.mag21.par01.atlas.cogentco.com (  32.956 ms te0-1-0-4.377.mag21.par01.atlas.cogentco.com (  32.211 ms 
     8  * be2038.ccr21.par01.atlas.cogentco.com (  33.799 ms  33.616 ms 
     9  te1-1.ccr01.par05.atlas.cogentco.com (  32.987 ms te8-2.ccr01.par05.atlas.cogentco.com (  32.979 ms te2-1.ccr01.par05.atlas.cogentco.com (  33.646 ms 
    10  xe-2-0-2.par70.ip4.tinet.net (  41.071 ms  41.042 ms  40.939 ms 
    11  * xe-4-2-1.par20.ip4.tinet.net (  40.943 ms xe-0-3-0.par20.ip4.tinet.net (  40.536 ms 
    12  te2-0-0.gr10.t2par.fr.easynet.net (  42.922 ms  43.034 ms  42.083 ms 
    13  te0-2-0-0.gr11.cpnan.fr.easynet.net (  44.953 ms  45.105 ms  45.092 ms 
    14  ge8-1.br1.cpnan.easynet.net (  41.056 ms  41.201 ms  41.728 ms 
    15 (  42.227 ms  42.203 ms  42.069 ms 
    16 * * *

    Here is my traceroute under a VPN (work) :

    1     *        *        *     Délai d'attente de la demande dépassé.
      2     *      437 ms   453 ms  xe-1-3-0-1886.cr1.lon1.uk.ipv4.kaiaglobal.com []
      3   435 ms   330 ms   213 ms  pc3.gr10.telon.uk.easynet.net []
      4   296 ms   288 ms   383 ms  te0-0-0-0.gr11.cpnan.fr.easynet.net []
      5   199 ms   170 ms   240 ms  ge8-1.br1.cpnan.easynet.net []
      6   340 ms   427 ms   307 ms
      7     *        *        *     Délai d'attente de la demande dépassé.
  • Answers
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    Related Question

    networking - How to block/avoid a particular IP when connecting to websites?
  • Mark

    I'm having trouble connecting to a particular website. I can view it through a proxy, but not from home. So I ran a traceroute:

    Tracing route to fvringette.com []
    over a maximum of 30 hops:
      1    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms  <snip>
      2     *        *        *     Request timed out.
      3     9 ms     7 ms    27 ms  rd2bb-ge2-0-0-22.vc.shawcable.net []
      4     8 ms     7 ms     7 ms  rc2bb-tge0-9-2-0.vc.shawcable.net []
      5    10 ms     9 ms     9 ms  rc2wh-tge0-0-1-0.vc.shawcable.net []
      6    27 ms    23 ms    22 ms  ge-gi0-2.pix.van.peer1.net []
      7    18 ms    18 ms    20 ms  10ge.xe-0-2-0.van-spenc-dis-1.peer1.net []
      8     9 ms    11 ms    10 ms
      9     *        *        *     Request timed out.
     10     *        *        *     Request timed out.

    Looks like this "" is somehow blocking me. Can I tell my computer to avoid/bypass that IP when trying to connect?

  • Related Answers
  • squircle

    For one, I can load the site fine. See the route:

    0 04:35:23pm ~ $ mtr -4 --report fvringette.com
    HOST: Defcon.local                Loss%   Snt   Last   Avg  Best  Wrst StDev
      1. woodcrest.local               0.0%    10    0.6   0.5   0.4   0.8   0.1
      2. bas1-oakville30_lo0_SYMP.net  0.0%    10   14.0  16.1  13.1  31.2   5.4
      3. core1-hamilton14_10-0-3_150.  0.0%    10   13.3  12.8  11.6  15.7   1.1
      4. newcore1-chicago23_so2-0-0.n  0.0%    10   23.6  31.4  23.6  66.3  16.0
      5. bx5-chicagodt_xe-0-0-3_0.net  0.0%    10   24.7  24.6  23.2  28.5   1.6
      6. ge-3-2-4.chi10.ip4.tinet.net  0.0%    10   26.7  26.9  26.3  28.0   0.5
      7. xe-2-0-0.sea11.ip4.tinet.net  0.0%    10  107.0 106.8 106.0 107.5   0.4
      8. peer1-gw.ip4.tinet.net        0.0%    10   83.9  83.9  83.6  84.6   0.3
      9. ???                          100.0    10    0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0
     10. ???                          100.0    10    0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0   0.0
     11.                  0.0%    10   88.6  87.9  87.1  88.6   0.6
     12. van-hc21e-cs1.wappyzappy.net 10.0%    10   88.7  88.0  87.4  88.7   0.5

    It would appear that (somehow) the two nodes, 9 & 10 in my route, are either blocking ICMP packets or have some other form of network voodoo implemented. It could be that when you were accessing the site through the proxy, you were accessing some cached version when the website was really down, who knows. The fact that there is 100% packet loss in nodes 9 & 10 is odd, but since I can (obviously) reach the site, it doesn't appear that (Peer1 Internet Bandwidth & Server Co-Location Facilities, 2155-500 West Hastings St., Vancouver) is doing anything to block any traffic (in all likelihood, they are just ignoring ICMP packets).

    To more directly answer your question, it's pretty much impossible to define your own route to a site. Since (I would assume) all packets would pass through that address at one point or another to get to the actual host (as it's the external IP of the datacentre the servers are hosted in), there would be no route around it. Once your packet gets outside of your router, it's up to Shaw what route your packet takes; you have no control whatsoever. Hope that helps a bit!

  • raw_noob

    I think you can do this by forcing a particular IP routing using the route add command at the command prompt, but it will take a better man than I am to explain exactly how. You might do a search on 'add a static IP route' or 'force IP routing' to get some idea. I don't know if you can block a specific node, but I wouldn't be surprised if you can. Forcing a specific route that avoids the node would be the alternative.

  • Blackbeagle

    Are you going to a site that is somehow geographically restricted? There are sites that will only accept traffic from certain regions and if your IP address is not within their allowed list, the packets may be eaten. The reason I'm asking is that you said you can access through a proxy.