unix - Change Identical Code Strings in Multiple, Separate Files in One Command

  • Spackt Lad

    How can I change strings of code in multiple HTML documents which are all identical to something else? If I have doc A and code , and is replicated in doc A, doc B, doc C, ..., then how can I get the following:

    A code1

    B code1

    C code1


    A code1

    B code2

    C code2

    N.B. - I put "JavaScript" as a tag because I learned today that you can do this with JavaScript. Something about tag replacement.

  • Answers
  • Nate Mara

    You can do this using a simple for loop and the sed editor. Assuming you are using BASH, the command would be:

    for i in *.html; do
    sed -i s/'foo bar'/'bar baz'/g $i

    This will substitute every occurance of the string foo bar with the string bar baz in every html file in the current directory.

  • Related Question

    vim - Highlight identical strings in vi(m)
  • Boldewyn

    One feature of Notepad++, which I find really useful and haven't found elsewhere, is the highlighting of other text that is identical to the one currently selected.

    Is there something similar possible with vi(m)? (Of course, there is. But how do I achieve it?) That is, any of those:

    • If I am in Visual Mode and have text selected: Highlight identical text

    • If I have searched /foo, highlight all instances of foo.

    • If I am at the beginning of a string (series of characters, numbers or underscores), highlight all other matching strings (prefered solution).

    The last one is similar to the closing parentheses matching and IMHO the most useful.

    Edit: For my second use case, I found a solution (that is, Google found it...):

    :set hls

    However, the others remain.

  • Related Answers
  • asdfg

    For your third requirement,

    nnoremap , :mat Error "<C-R><C-W>"<CR>
    Put this in your vimrc file..
    Press comma to highlight all occurrences of the word at cursor.
    Also, pressing * or # will highlight all occurrences of the string at cursor when hlsearch is set
    For your first requirement,
    vnoremap <silent> , :<C-U>
      \let old_reg=getreg('"')<Bar>let old_regtype=getregtype('"')<CR>
      \gvy:mat Error "<C-R><C-R>=substitute(
      \escape(@", '/".*$^~['), '_s+', '\_s\+', 'g')<CR>"<CR>
      \gV:call setreg('"', old_reg, old_regtype)<CR>
    Found this here. Modified to your needs.

  • akira
    :help hlsearch
     When there is a previous search pattern, highlight all its matches.

    so, put

    set hlsearch

    to your vimrc

  • Kevin M

    For door number three, that is what the # key does. It will also jump to the beginning of the previous string of such. Asterisk(*) does the opposite: jump to the beginning of the next string of such.