Chrome extension that permanently displays the history of a tab?

  • Antoine Lecaille

    I am looking for an extension that would display for each tab, its history like this:

    [history(-3)] [history(-2)] [[history(-1)]

    The motivation is that sometimes when I come back to the browser after a break, I no longer know why I landed on a page, and if the page doesn't look that interesting, I close the tab after reading it. But the previous page may still be worth reading.. I would love to have this information always available, instead of bookmarks for example if something has to be dropped.

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    ZSH only displaying last 16 or so commands with history. HISTSIZE & SAVEHIST are 500
  • Peter Ajtai

    In ZSH when I type history I'm only displayed the last 16 or so commands. I would like history to display all the existing commands in the history file.

    When I look in my .zsh_history (my history file) I see all the 500 previous commands that should be there.

    I looked in the man page, but I don't see anything that controls how many of the history items are listed. I also looked in my, env but don't see anything that could be controlling this.

    Any help would be appreciated! thanks.

  • Related Answers
  • Rob Bednark

    history 1 (or history 1 -1) will display all entries from 1 (first entry) to -1 (last entry). You can also use history 1 100 to display the first 100 entries or history -100 -1 to display the last 100 etc.

    For more information see the section on fc in man zshbuiltins. (history is equivalent to fc -l).