Chrome shortcut "ctrl + tab" switching to next tab in order? (not flicking to previously visited tab)

  • Michal Stefanow

    Quite often I use shortcut CTRL + TAB (not ⌘ + TAB) to quickly flick to the previously active tab in favourite text editor. Same behaviour occurs in Visual Studio for instance.

    However in Chrome this shortcut gets me to the next tab. From the official help page :

    Press ⌘-Option and the right arrow together. Switches to the next tab.

    Press ⌘-Option and the left arrow together. Switches to the previous tab.

    I don't need two shortcuts ⌘ ⌥ → and CTRL + TAB for the same action, I want to return to tab I visited just before!

    Is there a way to override default shortcuts? Maybe you can recommend a suitable extension?

    [slightly related] [rant continues] On when I press ⌫ I land in the search field (rather than history back)

    On that basis I would really like to know what is the best way to customise / override shortcuts :)

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  • Related Answers
  • rahi

    A workaround would be: Ctrl + L, + C, + W, + N, + V, and Enter.


    F6, Ctrl + C, Ctrl + N, Ctrl + V, Enter and an optional Alt + Tab, Ctrl + W, Alt + Tab, to close the old tab.

    You could automate the whole thing with AutoIt (under Windows) and create a Hotkey for it (here, it's Ctrl + Alt + x):

    HotKeySet("^!x", "split_tab")
    Func split_tab()

    I always have an additional application like this running in the background, offering useful keyboard shortcuts which automate and simplify tasks.

    Alternatively, you can hit Ctrl + L instead of F6, which would be substantially easier as your hand does not have to leave the home row.

  • KronoS

    There doesn't appear to be a keyboard short cut built in. Maybe auto-hot-keys can be used, but I'm not familiar with them. I'm also assuming that you already know that dragging the tab out creates the tabs own window.