hard drive - Clonezilla failing due to check disk

  • Blake

    I'm trying to create an image backup of a laptop with Clonezilla. Once all the settings have been chosen and I try to start the process it displays an error stating that the source drive is scheduled to run check disk and that I should either boot into Windows or run it manually. I've tried both, and check disk completed successfully without encountering any issues. However, when I attempt another backup I get the same issue. It's like it's not turning off whatever trigger says to run check disk next time it boots even though it's been run multiple times. Any thoughts?

  • Answers
  • Slartibartfast

    It sounds as if the imaging method chosen requires the source to be mountable. Why the disk isn't mountable is a good question, but I can certainly understand wanting to take the image first and figure out the problem second.

    In CloneZilla, you can choose a different imaging mode. I would be amazed if the 'dd' image method had that issue, for example. It will take longer, but not longer than never.

    It would be good to solve the problem at some point. These are just guesses, but could it be a problem with the system clock (e.g. always too long since the last check), or maybe the system doesn't shut down properly?

  • Blake

    Thanks to @Slartibartfast's suggestions I came up with a solution:

    I set things up using the dd imaging method as suggested and it worked, however it would have taken up a tremendous amount of disk space since it wasn't removing unused bytes from the image.

    It turns out HP set things up using five partitions, still not completely sure why. One of course was for the OS, one was for recovery, then there were three others, two of them were filesystems Clonezilla recognized, the other was not.

    By backing up the hard drive in two parts (broken down by partitions) I could use the defaults on the file systems Clonezilla knew (that way it wouldn't be larger than necessary) and the dd imaging method on the one it didn't.

    The only thing I haven't figured out is why the error said it was scheduled to run check disk as opposed to saying it didn't support the file system on partition x. Possibly it initially looked like something Clonezilla supported but upon reading the data it didn't understand it and assumed the integrity was compromised thus prompting it to tell you to run check disk?

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  • Related Answers
  • Chris_K

    1) Yup, it is a complete image of your drive. Warts and all.

    2) The data will be saved as files in a folder on the destination USB drive

    3) Not sure I understand the question. If you lose power while creating the clone image you'll want to start over. If you lose power while restoring the clone image you will definitely want to start over.