google chrome - Default search in Opera

  • serhio

    When I am in Chrome, and I need to do a search by selecting some text in a page, I do Right Click on the selection, say 'some text', and Seach Google for 'some text'.

    In Chrome I can change the default search engine from Google to another one (but I don't want, I like Google)...

    Opera proposes me multiple search engines to search, but introduces one more step to do: (1)Search With=>(2)Google. enter image description here enter image description here Is there a way to make the default search engine be really default in Opera

    (right click, "Search with 'my default search engine' for 'some text'") ?

  • Answers
  • Amos M. Carpenter

    I'm sorry, but I'm pretty sure this is a case of pebkac. :-)

    Please have another look at your own screenshot. Directly above where you've selected the "Search with" option is the option called, simply "Search". Select text, right-click on it, and choose that option. It will do exactly what you're complaining Opera doesn't have. Choosing another default search engine will affect what this button does, because that button uses your default search engine. In other words, you don't have to do the 2-step option of selecting the engine if you're happy to use the default; the additional options are there as a convenience. If you have created custom search option, they'll show up there as well.

  • Related Question

    Does Chrome have anything similar to the search keywords in Opera?
  • Svish

    I am thinking about switching my web browser to Google Chrome on my ASUS EEE because it has better screen usage but I really do like a lot of the handy things Opera provide.

    In particular, I especially like custom search keywords that let me search on various sites in the address-bar by using keywords. For example g something would search for something at Google, while w something would search at Wikipedia and k something would search at Wiktionary.

    After having used this for years I find it very annoying when I have to actually visit the sites to do the search...

    Does anything similar to this exist in Chrome?

  • Related Answers
  • Stephen Jennings

    Options - Basics - Default search - Manage. This opens a dialog box that allows you to set keywords for each of your search providers. For example, I use "g" for Google, "y" for YouTube, and "z" for Amazon.

    These are the same search providers that do the "Pres TAB to search..." function. As you browse the web, Chrome adds websites with search boxes here so you can use them from the address bar. You can use them either by pressing tab, or by setting up keywords.

  • Cristián Romo

    If you've used the search on a site before, you can press tab while typing the name of the site to perform that site's search. For example, I can type


    to seach on Wikipedia for Opera. However, this leads to having to type enough of the site name to switch sites, like


    to search for opera on Wiktionary. I haven't figured out if this can be configured or not yet to accept a user defined keyword. It is possible to change them using the method described by Stephen Jennings - just go to Options/Basic/Default Search/Manage.

    I feel your pain; I used Opera extensively before switching to Chrome on my laptop because it's hard to perform gestures.

  • allanrockwell

    For better screen usage I think you should still use Opera as you can hide every bar and create gestures and/or shortcuts for that purpose. See my Opera show off here.

    Search a little or come back and create threads here − or on − to ask how.