windows - determine when unsaved Notepad file was created

  • uniquegeek

    I have an open notepad file on my machine which I don't recall making. Is there a way I can determine what time and day the file was created (registry key or whatnot)? I haven't saved it yet because I don't want to muck up any filestamps, registry entries, etc. So, to be clear, right now, it's "Untitled - Notepad".

  • Answers
  • Louis

    You can use Process Explorer to see what time the Notepad was launched.

    Right click on the process and select Properties.... notepad properties in process explorer

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    windows - How to backup and restore only the file stamps (date & time) of many files within a folder at once?
  • Saxtus

    I want to retag all my music collection (MP3, OGG, etc) with replaygain info, but I don't want them to lose their original file timestamp as sometimes I want to know when I added a file to my collection as it helps me find them by sorting them in my favorite file manager by date.

    So here is my question: Is there a tool (or a commmand that I can use in a batch file) that I can use to batch-backup only the timestamps of all the files, before I do the retagging and then to be able later to restore their file timestamps back? If it can be done recursively to all folders beneath, it will be extra nice!

  • Related Answers
  • Snark

    Assuming you use Windows, you could do it with TakeCommand Console LE.

    To backup the timestamps, use the following command:

    pdir /(fpn"|"dy/m/d"|"th:m:s) /s /a:-d * >c:\flist.txt

    This will create a file (here c:\flist.txt) containing the file names (including paths) and their date (in y/m/d format) and time (in h:m:s format). The /s makes it recursive, so it will pick up files in sub-directories.

    To avoid problems with space in directories and names, this version of the command uses the "|" sign as delimiter for the fields.

    Sample file produced by the command above:

    [C:\Test]type c:\flist.txt
    C:\Downloaded Files\JPSoft\TCCLE10\English.dll|2009/08/29|13:11:36
    C:\Downloaded Files\JPSoft\TCCLE10\French.dll|2009/08/29|13:11:38
    C:\Downloaded Files\JPSoft\TCCLE10\German.dll|2009/08/29|13:11:38
    C:\Downloaded Files\JPSoft\TCCLE10\license.txt|2009/01/25|20:09:04

    To restore, use the command:

    for /f "tokens=1,2,3 delims=|" %a in (@c:\flist.txt) do touch /d%b /t%c "%a"

    This command will parse the file stored above and run several touch commands, setting back the saved dates and times to the files. The "|" sign is indicated as being the delimiter for the fields.