download - Did something change with uTorrent speed capping?

  • L0neRanger

    I download a lot of Linux torrents for testing systems every time there is a new release. And Linux torrents are always seeded well so seeding is not the issue here. Neither is firewall, I have port forwarding setup properly. I did a glasnost test and my ISP does not throttle my connection. So...

    I've tested and verified over the past year that I would get the maximum download speed possible with my connection(2MBps) if I have at least 6kbps upload set.

    Lately this is not true. If I have 6kbps upload my download gets capped at ~91kbps. If I have 10kbps upload the max download I get is around 153kbps. And so on. I can clearly see that the download speed increases as I increase the upload speed in steps.

    So did something change with uTorrent? I'm using uTorrent 2.0 Beta. Should I go back to the non-beta version?

    Can someone confirm that this is happening. I'm going mad trying to analyze the source of this.

    You can go to this link and see the image for further explanation as to what I'm talking about:

    enter image description here

  • Answers
  • L0neRanger

    I just found out that this a bug in the current build of uTorrent 2.0 Beta. When uTP is enabled it erroneously throttles the download rate based on the upload rate.

    Found this answer by fishing around uTorrent forums and found these 2 links that refer to the same problem.

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    osx - Where to put seeders request for torrent?
  • Sagar R. Kothari

    I am downloading iphone.sdk through utorrent.

    iphone_sdk.dmg has single file to download.

    It is of size 2.17 gb.

    I have currently downloaded 2.04 gb. For last three days I am not getting seeders. So, I can't resume download. & also I can't dare to start again download from elsewhere. (due to internet download charges ).

    So, my question is,

    Where to ask for seeders for torrent?

  • Related Answers
  • quack quixote

    A forum associated with the site you downloaded the .torrent from is probably the best place to request a reseed. You can also try waiting longer; it's quite possible a seeder has been temporarily knocked offline and will be back in a few days. I wouldn't give up entirely until a week or two have passed.

    Finally, you could try to locate other .torrents that include the same file: Load the new torrent in your client but don't let it start a download. Just have it re-check the file you've downloaded. If it's a different version of the file, it won't match your partial download, so you can ignore that and try another .torrent. If it's the same version of the file, it'll match some or all of the partial download, and (assuming this .torrent is seeded) will allow you to complete the download.