linux - du which counts number of files/directories rather than size

  • Jesse

    I am trying to clean up a hard drive which has all kinds of crap on it accumulated over the years. du has helped reduce disk usage, but the whole thing is still unwieldily not due to the total size, but due to the sheer number of files and directories in total.

    Is there a way I can do something like du but not counting file size, but rather number of files and directories? For example: a file is 1, and a directory is the recursive number of files/directories inside it + 1.

    Edit: I should have been more clear. I'd like to not only know the total number of files/directories in /, but also in /home, /usr etc, and in their subdirectories, recursively, like du does for size.

  • Answers
  • Hennes

    The easiest way seems to be find /path/to/search -ls | wc -l

    Find is used to walk though all files and folders.
    -ls to list (print) all the names. This is a default and if you leave it out it will still work the same almost all systems. (Almost, since some might have different defaults). It is a good habit to explicitly use this though.

    If you just use the find /path/to/search -ls part it will print all the files and directories to your screen.

    wc is word count. the -l option tells it to count the number of lines.

    You can use it in several ways, e.g.

    • wc testfile
    • cat testfile | wc

    The first option lets wc open a file and count the number of lines, words and chars in that file. The second option does the same but without filename it reads from stdin.

    You can combime commands with a pipe |. Output from the first command will be piped to the input of the second command. Thus find /path/to/search -ls | wc -l uses find to list all files and directory and feeds the output to wc. Wc then counts the number of lines.

    (An other alternative would have been `ls | wc', but find is much more flexible and a good tool to learn.)

    [Edit after comment]

    It might be useful to combine the find and the exec.

    E.g. find / -type d ! \( -path proc -o -path dev -o -path .snap \) -maxdepth 1 -exec echo starting a find to count to files in in {} \; will list all directories in /, bar some which you do not want to search. We can trigger the previous command on each of them, yielding a sum of files per folder in /.


    1. This uses the GNU specific extension -maxdepth.
      It will work on Linux, but not on just any unix-a-alike.
    2. I suspect you might actually want a number fo files for each and every subdir.
  • Ярослав Рахматуллин

    Exploit the fact that dirs and files are separated by /. This script does hot meet your criteria, but serves to inspire a full solution. You should also consider indexing your files with locate.

    geee: /R/tb/tmp
    $ find  2>/dev/null | awk -F/ -f filez  | sort -n
    files:  57
    3       imagemagick
    7       portage
    10      colemak-1.0
    42      monolith
    80      QuadTree
    117     themh
    139     skyrim.stings
    185     security-howto
    292     ~t
    329     skyrim
    545     HISTORY
    1499    transmission-2.77
    23539   ugent-settings


    $ cat filez
    a[$2]++;     # $1= folder,  $2 = everything inside folder.
    END {
            for (i in a) {
                    if (a[i]==1) {files++;}
                    else { printf "%d\t%s\n", a[i], i; }
            print "files:\t" files


     $ time locate /  | awk -F/ -f /R/tb/tmp/filez  | sort -n
     files:  13
     2       .fluxbox
     10      M
     11      BIN
     120     bin
     216     sbin
     234     boot
     374     R
     854     dev
     1351    lib
     2018    etc
     9274    media
     30321   opt
     56516   home
     93625   var
     222821  usr
     351367  mnt
     time: Real 0m17.4s  User 0m4.1s  System 0m3.1s

  • Related Question

    disk space - Linux utility for finding the largest files/directories
  • Robert Munteanu

    I'm looking for a program to show me which files/directories occupy the most space, something like:

    74% music
     \- 60% music1
     \- 14% music2
    12% code
    13% other

    I know that it's possible in KDE3, but I'd rather not do that - KDE4 or command line are preferred.

  • Related Answers
  • Sean

    To find the largest 10 files (linux/bash):

    find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 du -s | sort -n | tail -10 | cut -f2 | xargs -I{} du -sh {}

    To find the largest 10 directories:

    find . -type d -print0 | xargs -0 du -s | sort -n | tail -10 | cut -f2 | xargs -I{} du -sh {}

    Only difference is -type {d:f}. No type for combined results.

    Handles files with spaces in the names, and produces human readable file sizes in the output. Largest file listed last. The argument to tail is the number of results you see (here the 10 largest).

    There are two techniques used to handle spaces in file names. The find -print0 | xargs -0 uses null delimiters instead of spaces, and the second xargs -I{} uses newlines instead of spaces to terminate input items.


    $ find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 du -s | sort -n | tail -10 | cut -f2 | xargs -I{} du -sh {}
      76M    ./snapshots/projects/weekly.1/onthisday/onthisday.tar.gz
      76M    ./snapshots/projects/weekly.2/onthisday/onthisday.tar.gz
      76M    ./snapshots/projects/weekly.3/onthisday/onthisday.tar.gz
      76M    ./tmp/projects/onthisday/onthisday.tar.gz
      114M   ./Dropbox/snapshots/weekly.tgz
      114M   ./Dropbox/snapshots/daily.tgz
      114M   ./Dropbox/snapshots/monthly.tgz
      117M   ./Calibre Library/Robert Martin/
      159M   ./.local/share/Trash/files/funky chicken.mpg
      346M   ./Downloads/The Walking Dead S02E02 ... (dutch subs nl).avi
  • Daenyth

    I always use ncdu. It's interactive and very fast.

  • endolith

    For a quick view:

    du | sort -n

    lists all directories with the largest last.

    du --max-depth=1 * | sort -n

    or, again, avoiding the redundant * :

    du --max-depth=1 | sort -n

    lists all the directories in the current directory with the largest last.

    (-n parameter to sort is required so that the first field is sorted as a number rather than as text but this precludes using -h parameter to du as we need a significant number for the sort)

    Other parameters to du are available if you want to follow symbolic links (default is not to follow symbolic links) or just show size of directory contents excluding subdirectories, for example. du can even include in the list the date and time when any file in the directory was last changed.

  • 8088

    For most things, I prefer CLI tools, but for drive usage, I really like filelight. The presentation is more intuitive to me than any other space management tool I've seen.

    alt text

  • 8088

    A GUI tool, KDirStat, shows the data both in table form and graphically. You can see really quickly where most of the space is used.

    enter image description here

    I'm not sure if this is exactly the KDE tool you didn't want, but I think it still should be mentioned in a question like this. It's good and many people probably don't know it - I only learned about it recently myself.

  • nik

    A Combination is always the best trick on Unix.

    du -sk $(find . -type d) | sort -n -k 1

    Will show directory sizes in KB and sort to give the largest at the end.
    Tree-view will however needs some more fu... is it really required?

    Note that this scan is nested across directories so it will count sub-directories again for the higher directories and the base directory . will show up at the end as the total utilization sum.

    You can however use a depth control on the find to search at a specific depth.
    And, get a lot more involved with your scanning actually... depending on what you want. Depth control of find with -maxdepth and -mindepth can restrict to a specific sub-directory depth.

    Here is a refined variation for your arg-too-long problem

    find . -type d -exec du -sk {} \; |  sort -n -k 1
  • 8088

    I like gt5. You can navigate the tree and open subdirectories to drill down for more detail. It uses a text-mode web browser, such as lynx, to display the results. Install elinks for best results.

    alt text

  • Nicolas Raoul

    Filelight is better for KDE users, but for completeness (question title is general) I must mention Baobab is included in Ubuntu, aka Disk Usage Analyzer:

    enter image description here

  • David Pearce

    Although it does not give you a nested output like that, try du

    du -h /path/to/dir/

    Running that on my Documents folder spits out the following:

    josh-hunts-macbook:Documents joshhunt$ du -h
      0B    ./Adobe Scripts
      0B    ./Colloquy Transcripts
     23M    ./Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/Custom Music
      0B    ./Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/InstalledWorlds
    364K    ./Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/Library
     77M    ./Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/Recorded Videos
    101M    ./Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/Saves
     40M    ./Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/Screenshots
    1.6M    ./Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/Thumbnails
    387M    ./Electronic Arts/The Sims 3
    387M    ./Electronic Arts
    984K    ./English Advanced/Documents
    1.8M    ./English Advanced
      0B    ./English Extension/Documents
    212K    ./English Extension
    100K    ./English Tutoring
    5.6M    ./IPT/Multimedia Assessment Task
    720K    ./IPT/Transaction Processing Systems
    8.6M    ./IPT
    1.5M    ./Job
    432K    ./Legal Studies/Crime
    8.0K    ./Legal Studies/Documents
    144K    ./Legal Studies/Family/PDFs
    692K    ./Legal Studies/Family
    1.1M    ./Legal Studies
    380K    ./Maths/Assessment Task 1
    388K    ./Maths

    Then you can sort the output by piping it through to sort

    du /path/to/dir | sort -n
  • Kam

    Here is the script which does it for you automatically.

    Following is the sample output of the script:

    **# sh / 5**
    [SIZE (BYTES)]     [% OF DISK] [OWNER]         [LAST MODIFIED ON]        [FILE] 
    56421808           0%           root           2012-08-02 14:58:51       /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive
    32464076           0%           root           2008-09-18 18:06:28       /usr/lib/
    29147136           0%           root           2012-08-02 15:17:40       /var/lib/rpm/Packages
    20278904           0%           root           2008-12-09 13:57:01       /usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9/
    16001944           0%           root           2012-08-02 15:02:36       /etc/selinux/targeted/modules/active/base.linked
    Total disk size: 23792652288 Bytes
    Total size occupied by these files: 154313868 Bytes  [ 0% of Total Disc Space  ]
    *** Note: 0% represents less than 1% ***

    You may find this script very handy and useful !

  • trante

    Although finding the percentage disk usage of each file/directory is beneficial, most of the time knowing largest files/directories inside the disk is sufficient.

    So my favorite is this:

    # du -a | sort -n -r | head -n 20

    And output is like this:

    28626644        .
    28052128        ./www
    28044812        ./www/vhosts
    28017860        ./www/vhosts/
    23317776        ./www/vhosts/
    23295012        ./www/vhosts/
    23271868        ./www/vhosts/
    11619576        ./www/vhosts/
    11590700        ./www/vhosts/
    11564748        ./www/vhosts/
    4699852         ./www/vhosts/
    4479728         ./www/vhosts/
    4437900         ./www/vhosts/
    401848          ./lib
    323432          ./lib/mysql
    246828          ./lib/mysql/mydatabase
    215680          ./www/vhosts/
    182364          ./www/vhosts/
    181304          ./www/vhosts/
    181144          ./www/vhosts/
  • thegeek

    for listing out the largest files,

    find . -type f -exec ls -s {} \; | sort -n -r

    refer #9 here: find command examples

  • BloodPhilia
    du -chs /*

    Will show you a list of the root directory.