Error moving video file while it has no flaws

  • abdolahS

    I've a video file which is complete and it plays without any flaws but when I want to move it to another folder, I face with this error:

    The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error.
    0 file(s) moved.

    Why does this error occurs though my video has no error when played?

    The file is on drive C and I can move the file within this drive but no other drive!

  • Answers
  • LPChip

    There can be 2 problems here.

    1. It cannot move the file because it cannot write to the destination (rights issue or others)
    2. It cannot remove the source file because it is in use or due to rights issues.

    I would advice to copy the movie to the new destination. If it copies, the problem is 2, if it can't copy, the problem is 1.

    Once you have established which one it is, troubleshoot that problem. If it cannot remove the file, one of the things I've seen is that the little preview in windows explorer sometimes locks the file while it reads the file. Click the file and wait for it to load before trying to delete it. (eg. wait 5 minutes) Alternatively, disable the preview.

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  • 動靜能量

    I have a big file, like 2GB, and would like to move it from

    Network -> Bookroom -> Users -> Public

    (this is the computer in the bookroom in the house)



    and they are actually on the SAME hard drive (and same partition). But copying moving still takes a minute or so?

    I thought if on the same hard drive and partition, then it is a "move" and it should take 2, 3 seconds only.

    that public folder also is \\Bookroom\Users\Public

    Update: Sorry, I actually mean "move" all the way... so it is not copy but move. So that's why I thought it should take 2, 3 seconds only.

  • Related Answers
  • sgmoore

    If I understand you correctly, you are accessing the file via a network share, even though the file is actually located on your computer. If that is the case then the move procedure does not know that the source and destination are on the same partition and will use the slower method.

  • MDMarra

    If you copy, it recreates the files and sets the permissions on them to inherit that of the parent. If you cut or drag/drop on the same volume, it moves them and keeps the original permissions.

  • Andy
    • GUI approach: navigate to the file you want to move starting in C:\ (and not via the network share, as sgmoore says). Right click on the file, click cut. Navigate in the same way to the destination directory, right click, click paste.

    • CLI approach: MOVE C:\path\to\file.ext C:\myfiles