windows xp - Extracting files into separate folders

  • THEn

    I have few zip files that has at least 10000 files each. I would like to extract files into separate folders by year and month. How can I do that. I have Windows XP Pro.

  • Answers
  • caliban

    Not a huge problem - you will need an automated file management software, and I recommend the free app Filesort here.


    What you do is this

    1. Use Filesort to establish rules based on date of the files to sort them into the desired folders.
    2. Set Filesort to start monitoring the folder you intend to dump all the contents of the zip files into.
    3. Set Filesort to process the files according to the rules every say 2 minutes.
    4. Start extracting all the contents of the zip files into the monitored folder, and Filesort will do the rest.

    Let us know if it works aye mate?

  • nik

    While I thought this would be possible with an option,
    it appears that the standard ZIP tools do not support this.
    There is however one way it could be done with some scripting
    (choice of scripting is left for you).

    I am assuming (of course) that you do not want to extract all the files first
    and then sort them around (though, it sounds like a good idea).
    Compare that with this scheme. Unless you get a better answer.

    1. List the archive contents with date and time information
      • catch this in a new text file
    2. Filter (using things like grep) the file into smaller files that form your desired date based sets
    3. Extract the archive using these files individually into specific directories

    All these options will be supported by most compression tools.
    I prefer 7-zip.

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  • Related Answers
  • salmonmoose

    I think this is a horrible idea, it screams "security risk" to me.

    Now the disclaimer is out of the way;

    Why not just run a scheduled task over your downloads directory? once every 5 minutes run a shell script that essentially:

    unzips all the archives (unzip *.zip)

    deletes them (rm -f *.zip)

  • T. Kaltnekar

    One way to do it is to select "Open with" instead of Download in the dialog box that is shown when you click on a link to zip file.

    After the download the zip will be opened in the program you use to handle zip files and you can extract into desired folder.

    If you always want to do this and skip the usual Download dialog, you can check the "Do this automatically for files like this from now on" check box.

  • Col

    The only way I can think of doing this would be to put all of the zip files in a particular location and have a program monitor the location and unzip whatever it finds. However personally I don't find unzipping things manually that stressful :-)

  • Merstzik

    I don't see a point to automaticly unzip files after downloading.. Windows xp is treating zips almost just as it does with directories. So there is no need to unzip them.

    But if you insist I would try to find an extension for firefox that could do this. I would forget cross-browsing and uninstallable feature.

  • Cnkt

    jDownloader can unzip, unrar and even HJSplit your files. You can use it.