networking - Fedora not finding network card after installing updates

  • 99miles

    I had Fedora 11 on a machine I built for quite a while. Then yesterday I downloaded a bunch of updates, then my network card quit working. I couldn't resolve the problem so I did a fresh install of Fedora 12 and I'm still having the same problem. It's not seeing my network card. I don't know exactly what the card is -- it's attached to the motherboard. Is there anything I can do or is it likely that it's just not supported anymore in which case it's time to start upgrading hardware???

  • Answers
  • hlovdal

    By not finding, do you mean that lspci does not find anything? My machine has two network cards:

    $ lspci | grep -i eth
    02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. 88E8056 PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet Controller (rev 12)
    05:04.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8110SC/8169SC Gigabit Ethernet (rev 10)

    If this is the case you probably can find more details in the kernel log, see /var/log/messages or run dmesg.

    Maybe you can also try system-config-network. Is your card missing from there?

    Or do you mean that maybe the card is there, but the network initialisation is not working at startup? If so try ifdown eth0; ifup eth0.

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    networking - Why do I get slow network throughput when I have a bad DNS server?
  • Daniel Rikowski

    I have Fedora 11 in a Virtual Box VM and because of a bad DNS configuration my network connection in that VM was awfully slow.

    I fixed it now, but I don't understand what happened and I'm curious about what was going on.

    I set a primary and a secondary DNS server. The primary server was misconfigured and most of the times did not respond. The secondary was fine.

    Normally I would expect slowdowns during the first time a connection is made to a host, when the host name is resolved.

    Although that was always the case, additionally my overall throughput was very slow, i.e. when I was downloading a larger file from the internet. (5-20 KB/s as opposed to 1.5 MB/s) Sometimes the transfer spiked at 100-200 KB for a few seconds, sometimes there was no transfer at all for about 20-60 seconds. That was the case with all applications, Firefox and yum I thoroughly tested.

    After removing the bad DNS server everything went normal again.

    Could all this come from a bad DNS server? Or is this a Fedora or Virtual Box problem?

  • Related Answers
  • Bruce McLeod

    If you have bad DNS the initial request will be slow, then once the lookup is cached, your speed should be fine.

    It may be a routing issue though with packets trying a wrong default gateway, I had that problem with my dual airport express' once I unplugged the one that was not connected to the net it was fine.

    Start by doing a ping and a tracerouce and look at the latency and any dropped packets.