multiple monitors - Flickering/flashing screen on laptop when using HDMI-splitter

  • Mark

    I have a new laptop and I've connected it to a HDMI-splitter because I want to mirror the laptop screen on to two separate tv's. Both are connected through 15 m HDMI-Cables but goes together in a splitter because the laptop only has one HDMI.

    When connecting only one of the two screens directly to the laptop HDMI, no problems. And I didn't have any problems until a few Days ago. So for a week or two it was perfect.

    It is only the laptop screen that's flashing. Pretty slowly. About one time/a few seconds apart.

    Seems like it has something to do with the splitter maybe.

    Tried to update the Graphics card, but there was nothing to update. Tried to bring down screen resolution AND Hz to 50 but no results.

    I am not sending anything demanding through the Cables, only mirroring the desktop and showing an excel-file (work Schedule).

    Does anyone have an answer?

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    Display flickering when HDMI is connected
  • Mikael

    I have an ATI Radeon HD 5700 graphics adapter which I am trying to connect to a TV and a monitor.

    With only the monitor connected everything works fine, however as soon as I plug in the HDMI cable going to the TV the screen begin to flicker.

    I have updated the system bios and the graphics driver and the problem remain.

    The screen flickers during POST and in boot up menus when the cable is connected so the issue doesn't seem related to the os (win xp) or my drivers.

    The flicker may remain even after detaching the hdmi cable and require me to disconnect the computer from the mains to get it working normally again.

    When connecting my laptop using the same cable to the tv in question, the laptops display does not flicker. So the tv and the cable should also be ok.

    Can anyone shed some light on this issue, is it a broken gfx adapter or can it be something else?

  • Related Answers
  • Mr_CryptoPrime

    I would have to guess that it is a hardware problem or technical software setting? Do you have a VGA cable because you could try that and see if that works? It will give you slightly less quality if you are trying to play blurays or something however. You should also try checking the refresh rates. If it is too high or low it may be causing the flickering. You should be able to experiment with this by right clicking the desktop and going to 'graphic properties'. There are also a lot of other settings in this panel that you can try playing around with. Check the specs of the TV to make sure you our outputting the correct refresh rate. If you make any headway, then post here again and I will see if that helps me any in diagnosing your problem. Best of luck!

  • s1r

    The issue here is most likely that the basic speed on core and memory (157/300) does not provide enough power for the hdmi output.

    Dirty FIX: put something else playing on desktop meanwhile, so the gpu automatically up's the core and memory speeds higher.

    If you find better solution - please, let me know.

    PS. Ofcourse you can always reprogram the GPU Bios, but that seems a bit harsh move for dealing with an issue such as this.

    It's the infamous "desktop clock speed" problem all over again.