redhat - Gedit: can search results be put into a list?

  • user787832

    Is it possible to run a search on a file with gedit and have each line where there is a hit displayed "below" somewhere in a list?

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  • Questioner

    I've installed GEdit, but I find it quite unusable for programming purposes, which plugins are useful for such thing? (e.g.: to enable auto indentation, auto completion, ...)

    One of the thins I'm missing is having the line number in a column in the left side, is that possible with GEdit?

    Thank you very much.

  • Related Answers
  • Macha

    You can install an additional bundle of plugins by running this:

    sudo apt-get install gedit-plugins

    The most convienient one that adds is the Snippets plugin.

  • 8088

    You can have the lines in the left side by navigating to Edit -> Preferences and checking off Display Line Numbers. Additional plugins can be grabbed here and configured under Edit -> Preferences -> Plugins Tab.

    You can grab Auto Indent here and Auto Complete here.

    Here's a shot of preferences for reference:

    alt text

  • chickenkiller

    Gedit Symbols Browser plugin is a must as well: