windows vista - Google Chrome app file opened is not always in front, receiving focus

  • Philipp Lenssen

    On Windows Vista, I'm launching files associated with a Google Chrome "Application Shortcut" app by double-clicking them. While they will always open this way, they will sometimes not receive focus -- i.e. they sit in the task bar quietly but don't actually show in front on the screen (until I click on the app in the task bar again).

    Does anyone know how I can force the just-opened app to receive focus?

    The app being opened actually contains a web app I can customize, so I also have access to performing JavaScript commands post-startup. For background information, here is the regedit file I originally used to create the file association. Might well be this is a Google Chrome internal issue... apps I open with other editors get their focus alright, AFAIK. Thanks!

  • Answers
  • Sasha Chedygov


    WinWaitActive, ,Google Chrome

    you can change the title to something closer to your app to avoid conflict with other chrome windows.

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    How to open a local file in Google Chrome
  • dggoldst

    In Google Chrome's minimalist brilliance, they seem to have forgotten a menu item to launch a dialog box to open a local file.

    How to get around this?

    I don't want to drag local files onto the Chrome window (which works) or type file:// in the address bar (also works). I want my dialog box

  • Related Answers
  • rzetterberg

    On OS X, you can choose "Open File" from the File menu, or use the + O keyboard shortcut.

    For Windows and Linux, you can use ctrl + O. This does not seem to be referenced anywhere in the application, so you can feel special about using it.

  • Dave Webb

    According to the Chrome Help Pages there are three ways to do this:

    1. Press Ctrl+O on your keyboard and browse for the file on your computer.
    2. Drag the file into Google Chrome from your computer desktop or folder. Your cursor displays a little '+' sign if the action is successful.
    3. Type the location, also known as the path, of the file in the address bar, then press Enter.
  • dggoldst

    Hit Ctrl-o and a magical, undocumented dialog box will appear.