windows - Google search results are downloaded as a file in Google Chrome

  • i-g

    I'm behind a proxy at work, and Google Chrome insists on downloading Google search results pages instead of displaying them.

    Whether I try to search from the address bar, from, or from a third-party site that has a Google search form, what ends up happening is that the search results page ends up as a downloaded file called "search" in my downloads directory.

    I haven't seen this happen with any other search pages. Yahoo! Search, for example, works fine.

    Has anyone run into this before and/or has any ideas on how to fix it or what might be causing it?

    I'd try the Chrome support pages, but they're blocked by the proxy...

  • Answers
  • mrdenny

    Sounds like the proxy isn't configured correctly. It's probably something that your sysadmin will need to look at. I assume IE and FF work correctly?

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    Google Chrome - Security Issue
  • Joel

    Wanted to test the waters here regarding an issue I encountered while browsing a web page at work. We're sitting behind a proxy server. I'm not knowledgeable on the details of the proxy but can research with some folks I know at the security department if more info is necessary.

    Thing is I was signed in at yahoo fantasy sports web site this morning and wanted a colleague to join a fantasy league. So I give him the league info and scoot over to his cubicle, not far from mine, when it happened. He opened the web page and my information was there. I mean, I was signed in on his browser (also chrome). I was still signed in so I went back to my desktop and signed out and then he also lost the session.

    Needless to say, this baffled me and I'm very curious about the reason.

    I don't have colleague's chrome version but mine stands at

  • Related Answers
  • Matt

    A few possibilities here non of which are likely Chromes fault.
    - The proxy/router cached a copy of the web page and the web page
    - The host site uses IP addresses to maintain login
    - Your chrome installs share a common location for cookies and the site uses cookies to maintain logins

    First step if you are worried about this would be to contact the network admin and ask about the webpage caching or if chrome installs share a common cookie/history location (not likely). If that doesn't work you could look into contacting the website to see how they authenticate users and if they use IP addresses.

    The important thing to remember on the second point is if you both access the site from behind the same proxy it would likely appear that you are both coming from the same computer (IP/MAC Address) to the host site.

  • Austin Salonen

    It's just a cached page in your proxy server. This has happened to me at every place I've worked where we used a proxy server (I only use Yahoo! fantasy sports). However, I was never able to browse my colleague's teams or profile.