hard drive - HDD Power Controller with API?

  • Sin Jeong-hun

    I just saw a new advertisement from Asrock. It said they created a "revolutionary" feature that their motherboards let users turn on/off HDD power (software-controllable). But this is basically what I have been wanted from long time ago. I do not know why this should be revolutionary, this is pretty basic. It is just no motherboard or other hardware companies did provide this feature. The only problem with that is it seemed support two HDDs maximum.

    I searched Google for "HDD power controller" and I found there are quite a lot of such products. But all of them seemed to be controlled mechanically. Is there any HDD power controller that provides at least one API? Something like

    void HDDPowerControl(int HDDID, bool bOn);
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  • Chris Nava

    The technology is called an On Board Diagnostics port OBD2 and it exists in most modern cars. A quick google search for OBD2 + java turned up some interesting results.