How are process assigned with privileges in linux?

  • pavi

    I'm little confused about "process" in linux. How does linux assign privileges to processes that are created under different users? Say if a root user starts a process (say jboss server) does the jboss server will have root privileges? or will have a seperate privilege? can anybody suggest a site that have information about linux process.

    Thanks and Regards.

  • Answers
  • TheEwook

    The process is usually run by a specific user. if you log in yourself and run the program, it will run with the same privileges as yourself.

    So in your case if you run a root user starts jboss server, jboss server process will have root privileges.

    I think you can find a lot of information in this post:

    how does a process in linux decides privileges allotted to it

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    Assigning admin rights to apps in Linux
  • Sandy

    I am using linux mint and have installed Netbeans on it but whenever I run netbeans from accounts other than root it throws an error for not having permission to start glassfish server of netbeans. I also tried running this application using run as administrator option but then the application does not start.

    So is there a way to assign netbeans admin rights permanently so that whenever I start this application from other accounts I should not face this error?

  • Related Answers
  • Robert Munteanu

    You probably need to use xdg-su:

    xdg-su provides a graphical dialog that prompts the user for a password to run command as user or as root if no user was specified.

    xdg-su is for use inside a desktop session only.

    If your launch command is /usr/bin/netbeans/, change it to xdg-su -c /usr/bin/netbeans.

    Alternatively, find out where netbeans stores its workspace and assign ownership to your current user.

  • Bevor

    You could add the program you'd like to run as root into the sudoers file. (run the command "visudo" as root)