google chrome - How can I analyze the impact of each browser extension on Gmail loading time?

  • Franck Dernoncourt

    I use a couple of Google Chrome Extensions to improve Gmail Web interface (Fix Compose for Gmail, Streak, etc). Is there any way to analyze the impact of each browser extension on Gmail loading time? (without having to uninstall extensions)

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    How can I disable chrome extensions (when Chrome is unresponsive)?
  • John

    I'm having a problem where Chrome won't ever fully start (cursor just spins indefinitely and can't use the any menus or buttons in Chrome). I think it is due to an extension I installed but since the browser is unresponsive, I can't do anything through Chrome itself.

    Is there a flag to disable all extensions for Chrome or a config file I can manually edit to disable extensions so I can figure out what exactly is causing it? I'd prefer to not have to blow it away and reinstall as I might just install the offending extension again (assuming that is what is causing the issue).

  • Related Answers
  • jrc03c

    I could be wrong, but starting up in incognito mode prohibits Chrome from using extensions automatically (I think). You might be able to start with the --incognito flag and uninstall the offending extension. Let me know if that works!

  • Lamb

    You can press Shift+Esc to get Task Manager in chrome, and then kill the required extension.