How can I create a PDF from scanned images I have in my folder?

  • Only Bolivian Here

    I want something simple.

    I have a folder with 10 images and I would like to grab all of them, place each in a single "page" and into a single pdf file.

    Is there a simple GUI-based software for this? Using Windows 7 x64.

  • Answers
  • music2myear

    If you have Office 2010, you can create a word document, drag-drop each picture to a separate page, and save as a PDF.

    If you don't, have 2010 (I can't recall if 2007 has pdf creation ability), you can install PDF Creator ( and do the same thing, just "printing" to the new PDF printer.


    Found info on 2007. In Office 2007 there's a downloadable add-in from MS that allows creating PDFs:

  • Community

    Under a bash or a cmd shell (works with both CMD and bash, awesome!), with ImageMagick and pdftk:

    mkdir pdf_pages
    mogrify -format pdf -output-directory pdf_pages *.jpg
    cd pdf_pages
    pdftk *.pdf cat output ASSEMBLY.PDF

    Addition: In fact, it is much more simple with ImageMagick alone:

    convert *.jpg assembly.pdf

    is all you need. Note: mogrify is meant to change image content, whereas convert puts unaltered contents into different file formats.

  • MyItchyChin

    CutePDF Writer creates a virtual printer that will save your "print" to PDF. This works with any application that has a print function, you just specify the CutePDF Printer as your virtual printer and print.

  • Thor
    1. Install PdfCreator from here.
    2. Open one of images in windows picture viewer.
    3. Click print (Ctrl+p).
    4. In the window select all images.
    5. In printer option, select pdfCreator.
  • Sam

    See my answer here for what I consider a better solution than the others proposed here.

  • Related Question

    How do I save an image PDF file as an image?
  • Guy

    I have a PDF that contains a scan image of a document. I want to save the contents of this PDF as an image so that I can then run it through an OCR program that only accepts .jpg, .png, and .gif type files.

    How do I save/convert this PDF to one of those image formats?

    EDIT: One way I've found to do this is to click on each page. Copy to clipboard. Paste to and then save. However, this is cumbersome as it appears you can only select one page at a time in Acrobat Reader.

  • Related Answers
  • wfaulk

    Use GhostScript. This command works for me:

    gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=png16m -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 -dTextAlphaBits=4 -r150 -sOutputFile=output%d.png input.pdf

    There are multiple png pseudo-devices, differentiating on color depth: pngmono, pnggray, png16, png256, png16m, and pngalpha. Choose whichever one suits you the best.

    You can also use jpeg, but unless you have a disk space issue, you want as high a quality as you can manage for your OCR, and that's not jpeg.

    GhostScript no longer has support for gif, but I can't imagine why you'd need that, what with png256 support.

  • DaveParillo

    Install Imagemagick. Open a cmd window or terminal:

    convert myfile.pdf myfile.jpg

    The output will be 1 jpg file for each page in your pdf, test-0.jpg, test-1.jpg, etc.

  • Hemant

    You can do this using adobe reader:

    1. Click the image. It will be highlighted.
    2. Copy (Ctrl-C) and paste it into Paint.
    3. Save as any file type you like.
  • sleske

    As an addition to the other answers:

    There's also pdfimages from the XPdf package. It will not convert a whole PDF page to an image, rather it will extract embedded images from a PDF.

    This is useful if the PDF contains text and images, and you want only the images. Also, it will extract the images in their original format, so no loss of quality is involveld (unlike programs which render the whole page and then convert it to e.g. JPEG). Depending on your needs this might be useful.

  • pooryorick

    Except for the answer mentioning pdfimages, all of the other answers fail to mention that their solutions actually transcode the embedded images. I.e., those solutions do not simply extract the original image, but modify it, possibly to the detriment of the image, during the process. Only pdfimages extracts the original image. This is true of Ghostscript, Imagemagick, Adobe Reader, PDFFill, PDF Xchange Viewer, OS X Preview, and most other PDF software.

  • Lake

    Since you didn't include an OS tag I'll include an OSX answer:

    PDFs by default open in which allows you to use File -> Save-As:

    • GIF
    • ICNS
    • JPEG
    • JPEG-2000
    • BMP
    • OpenEXR
    • Photoshop
    • PNG
    • TGA
    • TIFF
  • 8088

    PDFill PDF Tools is probably the easist way to convert your PDFs to images on Windows. It'll let you export all the pages in the PDF to separate images in one shot. It also has a lot of other features available for free, which are only available in other PDF viewers if you purchase the commercial or "Pro" version.

    Use the "Convert PDF to Images" button (button #10) in the screenshot below.

    PDFill PDF Tools screenshot

    If you need to concatenate the images into one very tall image so you only have to feed one file to your OCR program, you can use IrfanView

  • 8088

    If the image exceeds the size of you screen, you may use FastStone Capture (the "Capture Scrolling Window" feature) and save the image as a JPEG.

    alt text

  • sgmoore

    If the file is less than 5MB and you aren't worried about privacy/confidentiality, then is a handy online service at that can do a lot of graphic conversions (including pdf to jpeg)

  • wfaulk

    Also PDF Xchange Viewer (Free) will do export-to-file. File → Export → Export to image.

    Not only that, but I think it's the best free PDF viewer for Windows, and it has some nice markup capabilities. I have a license for Adobe Acrobat and I still prefer this unless I'm doing extensive editing, which is rarely.

  • ufotds

    (Non-free) Acrobat professional does this:

    Advanced->Document Processing->Export all images...

  • Creator

    You can check out this article.

    It lists out 6 different ways to convert the pdf into images.

    Convert PDF to JPG (The Web Way)

    PDF to JPG Converters for The Desktop