osx - How can I modify keyboard shortcuts for Firefox?

  • e.James

    I recently started using Firefox as my primary web browser, and I would like to change some of the default keyboard shortcuts, especially the ones used to switch between tabs. Can this be done?

    I took a peek through the Firefox directory in "Application Support", as well as the application bundle itself, but nothing jumped out. Google searches have also proved fruitless.

    Update: I'm running Firefox version 3.6 for Mac OSX 10.6.2

  • Answers
  • Peter Mortensen

    Maybe you can use keyconfig extension for that?

    At this link some people say they got it to work on Firefox 3:

    @ M.C yes it is !!! (compatible with Firefox 3.6) you have to extract the file "install.rdf" from "functions_for_keyconfig-1.4.0.xpi" with a deziper prog like "WinZip" in Windows or "file roller" in Linux.

    Edit "install.rdf" and search for this line: "3.5.". Then replace with "3.6.".

    In "functions_for_keyconfig-1.4.0.xpi" replace file "install.rdf" with the modified one. Save. Open your Firefox 3.6, drag and drop the file "functions_for_keyconfig-1.4.0.xpi" in Firefox windows. That's it.

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    osx - Mac OS X keyboard shortcut to switch between windows
  • Wavy Crab

    Possible Duplicate:
    Switch between windows on mac?

    In Mac OS X, is it possible to switch between windows using a keyboard shortcut? More specifically I want to switch between windows within the same application. An example is I have multiple Firefox windows open. I want a keyboard shortcut to switch between the Firefox windows (or any other application's window). I'm aware of Command-Tab but it only switches between applications (and not windows).

    I'm looking for the equivalent of Windows' Alt-Tab, which switches window instances and not application instances.

  • Related Answers
  • Chris Johnsen


    • Command-` and
    • Shift-Command-`,

    you might try using Exposé to switch windows. Hit F10 (or Control-F3 if your F3 has an Exposé icon on it), to activate single-application Exposé. Then you can use the arrow keys to pick a window (or point and click with the mouse). While in this single-application mode, Command-` and its shifted version cycle through the active applications instead of the windows in an app (since all the windows of the app are already visible).

  • Martin Su

    Command + `

    (That's on the tildie key...)