How can I open a new window in Google Chrome Metro Mode? is there any plugin?

  • Ali

    I see the question How can I open a new window in Google Chrome Metro Mode?

    But i need a plugin or a tool for making a new window!!

    New window is not a special feature just it have fresh tab list!!! so i think a simple and easy to use tab manager may exist to help doing this.

    i tried extention "too many tabs for chrome" and similar! but it is hard to use and it doesn't what i need.

    I usually have about more than 100 tabs. and using chrome in windows mode get always about 5~10% of my cpu and about 4Gb of memory.

  • Answers
  • Ali

    No, Unfortunately there is no plugin in Google chrome.

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    linux - google-chrome open url in current tab through ssh/remotely
  • kLeos

    Basically I need to issue an ssh command to open a url in the current tab if i try to run chrome with say


    it adds a new tab to the already existing window.

    I looked through the command line switches but did not see anything useful...

    Anyone know of a way to do this?

  • Related Answers
  • Bibhas

    Here are all the command line switches for google-chrome. Searched with all possible keywords. But it seems there is none for refreshing the active lab.

  • sos00

    AFAIK there isn't any standard way or command-line switch to do that, but as a workaround, if you can install a custom add-on on destination machine then you would create a Chrome Add-on which reads passed arguments (in form of a url), parse that url and then executes your custom command.

    These custom commands could be anything achievable through a Chrome Add-on: in this case refreshing current tab's content.