remote desktop - How do I enable terminal services on Windows 8?

  • Mikhail

    How do I enable the feature in Windows 8 that will let me connect to my computer remotely via Microsoft's terminal services client?


    Is there a way to change the connection limit, so that more than one account can connect?

  • Answers
  • Chica

    Yeah, you can work it. One of the better OS persons has done this. To be OK with this, you should have TS or RDP CAL licenses registered to you. If you don't care, it will not check, though.

  • Windos

    Given you're talking Windows 8, I'll assume you meant Remote Desktop.

    First of all you need to be running Windows 8 Pro in order to be able accept Remote Desktop Connections. The standard edition of Windows 8 doesn't not include this ability.

    To enable accepting remote connections, press Win + X then Y. Choose Advanced system settings. Under the Remote tab, select, Allow remote connections to this computer.

    Only one person will be able to have a session open at a time. If you're looking for a multi-user environment you are going to need a server OS with Terminal Services running.

  • Joey

    Press Windows+W, search for “remote”:

    enter image description here

    Click Allow remote access to my computer:

    enter image description here

    Enable the Allow remote connections to my computer radio box:

    enter image description here

    If you are the sole administrator user on the computer, then you already are allowed to connect, otherwise you may need to click Select users ....

    And on Windows 8 (i.e. not Server 2012) there can only be one user connected at a time, because, frankly, it's a consumer OS, not a Terminal Server. I think there was a way of bypassing this by copying DLLs over from the Server OS and/or patching something, but that way lies madness. You can just as well install Server 2012, then.

  • wlritchi

    Are you looking for Remote Desktop? If so, there is a how-to for enabling it on Windows 8 here.

    Summary: Go to Control Panel > System and Security and click "Allow remote access" under the System section. Go to the Remote tab, and choose "Allow remote connections to this computer" under the Remote Desktop section.

    If you're looking for multiple concurrent connections, it seems that support for that was removed back in XP. There are workarounds for older OSes (such as this) but I don't think there are any for Windows 8 yet.

  • Related Question

    remote desktop - Certificate for Terminal Services authentication on Windows Vista
  • phenry

    I like to remote into my Vista Ultimate desktop computer when I'm not at home, or am using a laptop in another room. The Remote Desktop Connection utility on domain-joined Windows Vista machines won't let you use saved credentials to connect to an unauthenticated computer (you get an annoying error message: "Your system administrator does not allow the use of saved credentials to log on to the remote computer [computername] because its identity is not fully verified"). I'd like to resolve the problem by assigning a certificate (self-signed or otherwise) to Terminal Services, as suggested in this blog entry from the TS team blog. Unfortunately, the tsconfig.msc snapin isn't available on Vista, as the blog entry notes. What other options do I have for adding a certificate, or otherwise allowing me to use saved credentials?

  • Related Answers
  • Mark Henderson

    You can do this by Group Policy on a Vista machine. I'm not going to take credit for this, so here's an article:

    The only next issue may be that the domain does not trust the certificate because it does not come from a recognised provider. I suppose you could ask for your internal CA to issue a certificate for it, but I doubt they'll allow it.

    If this happens, then logmein as maniac13 mentioned is probably the way to go (unless they've blocked that too, as some organisations have been known to do).

    You must have an exceptionally complicated user/pass combo for this to be a pressing issue!

  • Maniac13

    I won't be able to help you with your issue here, but I can recommend using logmein as an alternative. With this option you won't even need a static IP address, all you need is a web browser and you are set. and its free.

  • djangofan

    Yes, the free version of Hamachi, or what is now called "LogMeIn" will do it without any firewall configuration required. It will create a highly encrypted tunnel that won't likely be exploited (especially if you use a long password greater than 12 chars). There are also some open source Hamachi look-a-likes such as P2PVPN or Wippien , Remobo, and some others, including the difficult to configure OpenVPN . Also, with the tunnel open you will be able to RDP to the machine , bypassing the firewall, with zero firewall config required.