windows 8 - How do I grant permissions to an installer (no "run as admin" mode)?

  • Konrad Viltersten

    I'm trying to update my Tortoise client but when I run the file (I'm logged in as an administrator), the process fails because it can't write to .../bin directory.

    When I right click the mouse, there's no option to run the file as an administrator. I've also tried runas.exe (didn't start the installation wizard) and starting cmd and PowerShell as an admin (which worked well) but failed (same error as when I simply execute the sucker).

    What's up with that?!

  • Answers
  • Oliver Salzburg
    1. Open Task Manager or your favorite task manager replacement.

    2. Locate the TSVNcache.exe process and kill it.

    3. You'll now be able to complete the installation regularly.

    The installer will be unable to remove the bin folder because the TSVNcache.exe process still runs in it (even though the file has been deleted, the process is still in memory).

    This causes the installer to be unable to remove the directory and it will falsely assume that it requires more permissions than it currently has and it will also falsely assume that it isn't running with elevated privileges (even though it probably already is).

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  • Questioner

    Does anyone know how to give a user in Snow Leopard administrator permissions?

    Concerning Josh K. Answer:

    I made sure that I do have this checked, and I do. However, the OS keeps telling me for certain files, that I need permission from the administrator. I run into this problem when I try to edit files in my MAMP directory. (Specifically a configuration file)

  • Related Answers
  • 8088

    You mean "root"?

    I think you intend to give an administrator permission to a user. Simply, from System Preferences > Accounts > Then select "Allow user to administer this computer". You will need admin privileges yourself to set this for someone else.

    Here is the documentation from Apple on creating new users.

    enter image description here

    Take it easy :)


  • 8088

    Open up System Preferences and select "Accounts" under "System." Unlock the panel if necessary, then select the user that you wish to promote to Administrator status and check the box that says "Allow user to administer this computer."

    Screen Shot

  • mali

    Here is a link to activate root user, some files only can be deleted with root user privileges.