website - How do I prevent automatic browser page refreshment done by Javascript?

  • hkBattousai

    There are some news websites which automatically and periodically refresh their page just in order to show the user more advertisement. If you are watching a video, all the buffered stream is gone when it refreshes the page. Or, when you are reading a text, it is really disturbing to have a page refreshment.

    I believe that most of these evil people use Javascript to refresh the page. Is there any extension or userscript for solving this. The tool must prevent any page refreshment action which is attempted without user interaction (like clicking a submit button, or pressing F5). I'm using both Chrome and Firefox, I need solutions for both of these browsers.

  • Answers
  • Fuhrmanator

    It's not always a JavaScript action. In most of cases it is a HTML Meta content assured by this tag:

    <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5000">

    You can maybe edit it, using FireBug or a Client Side HTML editor, and delete this tag (if exists).

  • Related Question

    firefox - Complex JavaScript page to test browsers performance?
  • OscarRyz

    I have three different browsers I want to compare: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari.

    I don't need very sophisticated mechanism; it can simply open a webpage and render.

    I tried Gmail, Google Docs, and others, but it seems like they do a great job on both, the web browser and the page because everything is under a second.

    Does anyone have a link where I can test browser performance (not necessarily network band width or browser rendering, as in

    I guess a page with tons of JavaScript is in order.

    Do you have one?


    Heheh this is my attempt :P Obviously there should be a better way:

        //.... ahh forget it. 
    <input type="button" value="Start" onClick="testIt();"/>

  • Related Answers
  • Chealion

    Have you considered the JavaScript benchmark sites?

  • Jonathan Sampson

    Chrome also has some really neat "experiments" you can test in various browsers.

    To name a few.

  • John T

    Peacekeeper is a pretty good all-around test for each browser. You can see overall results from others as well.