windows - How to create a batch file that read parameters from another file

  • sead

    Someone help me to create a batch file that reads three parameters from another file e.g. Config.conf in same directory?

    The Config file contains following information:

    --url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@" --username=TestUser01 --password=passowrd01 

    I need to set three parameters %url%, %username%, %pwd%.

    This is my test.bat file @echo off setlocal for /f "usebackq tokens=1,2,3 delims=&" %%A in ("\98_Tests\config.conf") do ( set "%%A" set "%%B" set "%%C" ) echo %url% result is only 98_Tests–

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  • fluxtendu

    I want to create a batch file to copy files or folders in a specified directory and append the date and time to their names.
    Here's my actual code:

    @echo off
    Set _bpath=T:\Backup\
    if [%1]==[] goto :eof
    Set _file=%~n1%
    Set _ext=%~x1%
    For /f "tokens=1-3 delims=1234567890 " %%a in ("%time%") Do Set "delims=%%a%%b%%c"
    For /f "tokens=1-4 delims=%delims%" %%G in ("%time%") Do (
       Set _hh=%%G
       Set _min=%%H
       Set _ss=%%I
       Set _ms=%%J
    copy %1 "%_bpath%%_file%(%date:/=-% %_hh%h%_min%m%_ss%s)%_ext%"
    if not [%1]==[] goto loop

    This one works for files only and I could adapt it easily for folders with xcopy /E %1 "%_bpath%%_file%(%date:/=-% %_hh%h%_min%m%_ss%s) but I would like to avoid dealing with two batch files.

    So how to copy/rename them indiscriminately (I have try with copy, xcopy and robocopy without success) or how to distinguish them to create two IF branch? (Using %~x1% is too unreliable...)

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  • asdfg

    This might be useful to you, see this question