restrictions - How to deal with very unstable operating systems?

  • Giulio Muscarello

    I'm trying to do some changes on a portable computer, running Windows 7. It fills the entire partition.
    However, I'm pretty much unable to run Windows, because it suddenly freezes in a matter of minutes. How can I work with it?
    I'm trying to create a new partition and install a new OS on it, while preserving previous data. I have a wireless network and another stable computer.

  • Answers
  • Giulio Muscarello
    1. Boot a different OS from a CD/DVD or USB memory stick (for example, some utility distro)
    2. Move the data to a safe place
    3. Format everything and install a new OS
    4. If the system is still unstable, locate the cause.
  • athosbr99

    You can use Ubuntu (or another Linux distro) to extract the data. If this doesn't work out (if it stills reboots/freezes), you can try upload the data to a cloud storage (Dropbox, OneDrive, Box, Google Drive, etc) and download later.

    However, if a upload can't be done, you will have to remove the HDD and extract the data directly through your other computer.

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    enter image description here

    I can't zoom or use any other buttons. The toolbar just isn't available. I never saw a .pdf file like this one.

  • Related Answers
  • Kyle_the_hacker

    You have two options:

    • with ghostscript:

      gs -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=%stdout% -c .setpdfwrite -f locked.pdf > unlocked.pdf
    • with pdf2ps and ps2pdf (slower):

      pdf2ps locked.pdf - | ps2pdf - unlocked.pdf

      If the unlocked PDF contains error, try to decompose the commands (ps2pdf have sometimes problems with a streamed input):

      pdf2ps locked.pdf
      ps2pdf unlocked.pdf