windows - How to delete each number at the beginning of a line in Notepad or Microsoft Word?

  • kirk

    I have a list like this:

    1 http://
    2 http://
    3 http://
    4 http://
    5 http://

    I would like to remove 1,2,3,4,5 without doing this manually for each line. The only tool I am using is notepad in a bare Windows setup.

    How can i remove this in Notepad or Microsoft Word?

  • Answers
  • grawity

    In Microsoft Word, use Replace (CtrlH) with:

    <[0-9]@ (http)

    replace with:


    Make sure "Use wildcards" is enabled.

  • Dave

    Using Notepad++ text editor you can use Column mode selection. Press Alt before select the text you want to delete an it allows you select a column (instead the complete rows of the selection) Also Notepad++ has a portable version and is not necessary to install anything to do this.

  • sirius

    i used excel 2013. when you paste in excel, first column would be filled with number and remaining content in second column. then you can just copy second column. but you will be left with extra spaces between each lines. then you can go to find and go to special, select blank rows and delete those rows.

  • David

    Just to add to the options... you can also select as a column in MS Word by holding ALT+SHIFT and dragging.

  • Related Question

    formatting - How do I automatically number headings in Microsoft Word?
  • snakile

    Possible Duplicate:
    Word: continued title numbering

    I have a Microsoft Word document which consists of (more or less) the following heading structure (this is just the heading structure, not the actual content of the document. I have some text bellow each heading):

    heading 1
        heading 1.1
        heading 1.2
            heading 1.2.1
            heading 1.2.2
    heading 2
        heading 2.1
        heading 2.2
            heading 2.2.1
            heading 2.2.2
        heading 2.3
    heading 3
    heading 4
        heading 4.1
            heading 4.1.1


    EDIT: headings 1,2,3,4 are of type heading 1, headings 1.x, 2.x, 3.x, 4.x are of type heading 2 and headings 1.x.y, 2.x.y, 3.x.y, 4.x.y are of type heading 3.

    I would like to automatically change the text of each heading so that I'll have them all numbered. In the above example I would expect the heading structure to look like this:

    1. heading 1
        1.1. heading 1.1
        1.2. heading 1.2
            1.2.1. heading 1.2.1
            1.2.2. heading 1.2.2
    2. heading 2
        2.1. heading 2.1
        2.2. heading 2.2
            2.2.1. heading 2.2.1
            2.2.2 heading 2.2.2
        2.3. heading 2.3
    3. heading 3
    4. heading 4
        4.1. heading 4.1
            4.1.1 heading 4.1.1

    How do I do this in Microsoft Word?

  • Related Answers
  • techie007

    Using Office 2007 goto Paragraph then Multilevel list on the ribbon. You can customise the numbering to what you require under Define New Multilevel List.

    enter image description here

    You may want to take a look at this video Settings Headings and Numeration [Word 2007-10]

  • squillman

    You can set the Multilevel List style. The format you want is not the default outline format but you can change it by selecting the text you want outlined and then clicking the Multilevel List button which is located in the Paragraph section of the Home tab on the ribbon. Your format is one of the options it presents.

    As you type, use Tab on a new line to indent to the next deeper outline level and use Alt-Tab to shift the indent back to the previous outline level. Word will automatically enter the outline numbering based on your indentation level.

    In response to your comment / edit, You will probably need to define a new Multilevel list. I don't think any of the builtins will do what you want.

    When you click on the submenu arrow on the Multilevel List button in the Paragraph group (not the button itself), there's the option to define a New Multilevel List. Here you can set outlining definitions and apply them to different global styles (click the More button to reveal the full options).

    Click on a number list at the left of this window to select which level you want to edit and you can define the number style for it, and also link it to your heading styles.

    That's about as close as you're going to get with builtin Word functionality. If some incantation within those options doesn't work for you then you're probably left with writing a macro or looking for an add-in that will do what you want.