linux - How to execute python script from console without writing full path?

  • grerdas

    I have a few python scripts on /usr/share/scripts/ that I use often, and I want to be able to execute them by just writing the name and not the full path, how could I do this?

    echo $PATH shows me:


    So I tried writing on the terminal:


    No errors shown and echo $PATH now shows my new scripts path, but when I run scriptName I get command not found.

    What am i doing wrong?

  • Answers
  • Zedwal

    Set executable permissions for python scripts by "chmod +x *"
    Now you have two options:

    • Add your scripts directory to PATH env variable, or
    • Make symbolic links to your scripts one by one (or write another script to do the same) in /usr/local/bin directory.

    [mzed@node02 test]$ vim

    Contents of file:

    print "This is cool!"


    [mzed@node02 test]$ mv printme
    [mzed@node02 test]$ chmod +x printme
    [mzed@node02 ~]$ cd /usr/local/bin/
    [mzed@node02 bin]$ sudo ln -s ~/test/printme .
    [mzed@node02 bin]$ ls
    deskzilla  grails  grails-debug  printme  startGrails
    [mzed@node02 bin]$ cd
    [mzed@node02 ~]$ printme 
    This is cool!
    [mzed@node02 ~]$

    I hope this will help you.

  • Vinay

    Sorry for suggesting a basic thing.. Did you try "", instead of just "scriptname"?

    Also, all the scripts need to have execute permissions (you can do that by issuing "chmod +x").. Judging from your comment above, since you have run them like "/usr/share/scripts/ args", they should have execute permissions.

  • hbdgaf

    Okay, maybe I'm just older school...
    In /usr/bin add shell scripts with the #!/bin/bash header and no .sh extension. Then in those scripts just run python absolutepath.

    Why I think it's better than the other answers:
    Doesn't require chmod-ing your scripts to make them executable.
    Doesn't require renaming your scripts.

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  • ldabl

    I need to run ./pythonScript keyword one time for each keyword in a text file, how can I do this from a gnome terminal? (without having to modify the pythonScript)

    pseudo code:

    for each keyword in file:
      ./pythonScript keyword
      waitfor(pythonScript to finish)

  • Related Answers
  • Gilles

    Assuming there is one keyword per line, here's a pure shell, portable solution:

    while read -r line; do
        ./pythonScript "$line"
    done <file

    Here's a slightly simpler Linux solution:

    <file xargs -d '\n' -n 1 ./pythonScript

    Both solutions allow any character other than newline to appear in a keyword.

  • medina

    Is there a keyword per line from the file? If so,

    while read keyword
        ./pythonScript $keyword
    done < file
  • Ole Tange

    If you have GNU Parallel http:// installed you can do this:

    cat file | parallel ./pythonScript

    This will run the jobs in parallel can be very useful if you run on a multicore machine.

    Watch the intro video for GNU Parallel to learn more: