how to find biggest files on disk on Mac

  • George2

    Possible Duplicate:
    Need an app that tells about file & folder sizes

    How can I find the largest files on my hard drive? I am using Mac OS X 10.5.

  • Answers
  • Nils Magne Lunde

    Have you tried GrandPerspectiv?

  • Florenz Kley
    • command line:

      du -ms $HOME/* | sort -n

    and extend to where it looks promising

    • nice graphics:

    Disk Inventory X :

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  • HashName

    How do I hide a folder in Mac OS X? Also is it possible to password-protect a folder

  • Related Answers
  • The Tentacle

    You don't need to add a period to the beginning of a name, you can use the invisibility bit which is part of the Apple HFS+ file system via the leopard command in a terminal:

    chflags hidden ~/MyFiles

    This hides your MyFiles folder. You can read up on that command in detail here:

    chflags MAN page

    Daring Fireball: invisibility bit

    You can also toggle showing hidden and unhidden files in finder using this applescript (I compile it to an application triggered via quicksilver):

    set onOff to do shell script "defaults read AppleShowAllFiles"
    if onOff = "NO" or onOff = "OFF" then
        set newState to "show"
        set OnOffCommand to "defaults write AppleShowAllFiles ON"
        set newState to "hide"
        set OnOffCommand to "defaults write AppleShowAllFiles OFF"
    end if
    display dialog "Are you sure you want to " & newState & " hidden files? (This will restart the Finder)" buttons {"Cancel", "OK"} default button 2
    copy result as list to {buttonPressed}
    if buttonPressed is "OK" then
        	tell application "Finder" to quit
        	do shell script OnOffCommand
        	delay 1
        	tell application "Finder" to launch
        end try
    end if

    Password protecting folders? The way I'd do it is make an encrypted DMG using disk utility and mount it when needed. You could get fancy probably and change the DMG icon to a folder icon, and hide it using the invisibility bit for full on effect :-)

    If you want to spend some money doing it: Espionage

  • rjstelling

    Files and folders starting with . (ie .hiddenfile.txt) are not shown in the Finder and save dialogs etc.

    You might have to use the terminal.

    $ mv file_to_hide.txt .file_to_hide.txt
    $ ls -a
  • rohan-patel

    You can create Disk image with Password protection:

    1) Open Applications->Utilities->Disk Utility.

    2) Select File->New...->Blank Disk Image.

    3) Name it, set the size to what you'll need, set the encryption to AES-128, and set the format to sparse disk image.

    4) It'll then create the image and ask you for a password. Be sure to uncheck the option to store the password in your keychain.


    For tutorial with screens follow this: