How to install Debian GNU/Linux without Removing Windows or Formating

  • theCodeGuy

    I want to install debian on my computer, and I already have Windows on it. Is there any way i can install Debian on a partition without removing what's in it or formatting? I can't get past the setup, and I'm afraid to lose any data.

  • Answers
  • Chux Uzoeto

    If this is for a quick feel around of what Debian is like, then perhaps you might be OK to run a live CD/DVD version of Debian which you can download from here .. Any of the .iso files listed here will boot and run from CD/DVD .. The different names are self-explanatory depending on what Desktop type you want (gnome, kde, xfce,lxde), or you can get greedy and try them all (in turn) .. :-)

    If you are indeed set on sharing your disk between Debian and Windows, then you will have to modify your disk partitions because both cannot exist together in the same partitions.

    I suggest you first download one of the free partition management applications available online .. install in windows, and use to adjust your disk partitions, so you can free up some space for the Debian installation. This is a good one ..

    A partition management tool allows you to resize your disk partitions safely, and without losing data. Your objective is to free up some space, and Debian can run happily in very little space but aim to allow for at least 10-20GB (if you have enough space on the disk)

    When you have enough space, you can then run the debian install (you can also start an install from a live CD) .. During the installation choose to install in free space. Debian7 uses grub2 and can generate a boot menu that will allow you to easily choose the OS to run at start up ..

    Hope this is useful ..

  • Related Question

    linux - install debian lenny without gnome
  • mannan

    I want to install Debian Lenny, without any graphical desktop manager (like gnome).

    I can install Debian Lenny with gnome and remove gnome from it, but i am not sure if it will remove all packages related to gnome.

    There is one netinst CD image of Debian Lenny, my question is that, does it contain gnome or other graphical desktop manager? if it does not contain any graphical desktop manager, then i can use this CD image.

    any other solution will be appreciated.


  • Related Answers
  • cYrus

    No matter what image you use, at some point of the installation (if you provide a large enough image or an internet connection) you'll be prompted for a software selection, just uncheck Desktop environment.

    enter image description here

  • Journeyman Geek

    netinst would install just what you tell it to - i often simply just let it install the base install and add what i need with tasksel - which is what cYrus is talking about.

  • nodiscc

    cYrus and Journeyman Geek are correct, do a netinst and just check "Standard system" (and "Laptop" if needed). Moreover Debian 6 Squeeze is the current stable release, you should prefer it over Lenny.