windows xp - How to monitor the Remote IP Address to which UDP packets are sent in a particular process?

  • iMan

    I am able to do this with Network Traffic Viewer or Smart Sniff (both from Nirsoft), but on my friends machine (Windows XP), when running this application the internet is just cut off, like the entire adapter has been shut down. So is there any other alternative? I've tried WireShark, but to my dismay I couldn't find filters to see just a single process, or maybe I couldnt locate it.

    Any help appreciated. This is to know the remote IP of the users connected to my system via that application (Game).

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  • Related Answers
  • quack quixote

    One word: Netcat

    Netcat is the go-to tool for this sort of thing.

    You can thrash whatever port you choose with udp packets with something like:

    nc -u 53 << /dev/random

    (53 is your port number)

    Or you can send an actual file, or tell it to bind that port and listen as a service, or whatever you like.

  • jamis

    If you want to merely send one UDP packet with some specified data, as opposed to Satanicpuppy's answer which continuously sends random data, you can do:

    echo "foo" | nc -w1 -u 111.22.333.4 20000