internet explorer 8 - How to open multiple tabs in IE8 from the command prompt and open window maximized?

  • James

    source: How to open multiple tabs in IE8 from the command prompt?

    I would like to open multiple windows in Internet Explorer 10, each with multiple tabs. I want the windows open maximized. Executing a modified version of the code from within the above url source, the windows will open, but the windows are cascaded and are sized to about a quarter of the screen.

    How do I have these windows opened maximized?

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    internet explorer - Huge bug in ie8 - closed tabs and browser windows don't actually close!
  • tbone

    I generally have about 5 - 10 IE windows open, and about 10 tabs in each of those. I've noticed since installing IE8 that once I get too many tabs open, things start going wonky on the screen, similar to the windows desktop heap size issue:

    However, I have fixed that registry setting and all was well until I installed IE8.

    Now, when I get lots of IE windows and tabs open, eventually things start to go weird (windows don't redraw correctly, etc). So as a remedy, I try and close off as many tabs and windows as possible, which will clear things up for a while. But once I get lots of stuff open later, I will see tabs that I closed literally hours ago show up in the browser window, but they are not clickable, and if you resize the browser, they disappear. So it seems they aren't truly being unloaded.

    Am I the only one seeing this??

  • Related Answers
  • nik

    And they say reinstall -- Why does IE 8 hang so much?

    If you can spare some time also read up Mozilla Preparing To Scrap Tabbed Browsing?
    (warning, that is a Slashdot discussion reference, can go lots of places in a single page)